Chapter 16

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Pepper was driving furiously to New Haven Connecticut. She was furious with Tony.

Why did he have to ruin a good thing? I can't even think about the amazing orgasms he gave me because I can't stand the sight of him at the moment. Why is he so stifling? Why can't he just be cool? Why does he have to love me so much? I can't take this emotional shit anymore. I don't even know my own life. I thought he'd be happy to have sex with me. I wanted to take a shower and now I'm on trial. He has left hundreds of women after sex and he is going to criticize me. How dare he?

"Mrs. Stark, there's a call from Mr. Stark," FRIDAY said through the Bluetooth interrupting her thoughts.

"Please ignore all calls from him," Pepper said. She needed to let off steam.

Tony went into the garage to work on his memory machine. He was so hurt and so angry.

"First I make her feel like her whole life is a fraud for marrying me and then she felt nothing when we had sex and told me to my face," he said as he slammed his screwdriver down.

"FRIDAY is it possible to extract memories from my brain?" he asked.

"No sir it's not," the female voice replied.

Tony was so lost and angry. In the old days he would use this as an excuse to ignore Pepper and drink for days but it was different now. He was a father. He wanted to smash up his entire workshop but that wouldn't do him any good either. He needed a friend who understood. Who could he call? Who was home? Happy? Happy had done enough already when he watched the kids for so many weeks when Pepper was in the hospital. Rhodes? Rhodes was working and lived halfway across the country. Steve Rogers? Peter? Barton? Banner? And then an idea popped into his head. He thought of someone who might be able to help. He looked at the clock and it was only 12:30p.m.  He could certainly make it there and back before the kids got home.

Tony grabbed the keys and went outside and of course Pepper took the Audi and left Tony with the SUV. He hopped in the car and asked FRIDAY to set up GPS for 177a Bleeker st. He knew the way, but he wanted the GPS for traffic updates. He wanted to get there and get home quickly.

Pepper got to the address Brad gave her and she was taken aback for a moment at the sprawling estate before her. It was magnificent. It made her miss Tony's Malibu home. She drove up to the gates and they opened as her car pulled up. There were rows of garden and a small fountain and gazebo on the lawn. She drove up and parked the car and rang the bell.

"Hello gorgeous," he said as he opened the door for her and handed her a glass of wine.

"I can't Brad. I have to drive two hours home," she said, refusing her favorite wine even though she wanted it. She wanted to be irresponsible and not care.

"Lighten up Virginia. You're always so proper. I can't understand how you ended up with a guy like Tony Stark. If you step one toe out your routine you become a control freak. That guy is a loose cannon. You need stability and predictability and routine. You could come live here with me and all of this can be yours," he said with outstretched arms.

"Come on let me show you the view," he said, grabbing her hand and taking her out back to the view of the lake off their property.

"This is an amazing view,"

"Damn it Ginny, why didn't you marry me?" he asked as he took his hands in hers.

Pepper looked at him and decided it was time to tell the truth. Even though she couldn't remember that she loved Tony, he was her husband and she was going to defend him.

"You know that of all the years I worked with Tony and how closely we worked together that he is still capable of surprising me," Pepper said.

"You didn't marry me because Tony surprises you?" Brad asked in confusion.

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