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Pepper woke up and her head was pounding. This was the third day in a row that her and Tony only spoke if it pertained to the kids. They slept separately and mostly avoided being in the same room unless the kids were involved. It was really stressing Pepper out. She sat up in bed and grabbed her phone. She had a few more numbers to call of possible doctors in New York to do her surgery. She struck out one after another and threw her phone down on the bed and pulled her knees to her chest and tried not to cry. She was so frustrated. She couldn't find a doctor that would help her, she was still hurt and angry over Tony's accusation, and her mother was getting on her nerves. And there was always the memory issue looming over her head. She was about to get up and Tony walked through the door. He stopped when he saw her and neither of them spoke to each other. He went straight into the bathroom and she could hear the water turn on.

Tony let the water wash over him and he wished the water was also washing away his sorrows but that was not the case. He was so stressed not being able to sleep next to Pepper or embrace Pepper or kiss Pepper. He felt these things after her accident and now he could see her resentment when she looked at him and it was killing him inside. He so desperately needed to see her smile. He kept his head under the faucet for another minute and then shut the water because the kids needed to go to camp and he didn't know if Pepper was participating or not. He opened the door to the bathroom and dressed quickly. When he opened the door Pepper was getting the kids dressed. He was trying to read her expression. She looked blank. He peered in the doorway and continued to watch her and then she looked up at him and so did Maria.

"Daddy, do I look pretty?"

"You are gorgeous baby girl," he said, taking her hand and bringing her to the door.

Pepper followed with Tony jr and Morgan was waiting for them by the front door.

"Camp starts at eight a.m. sharp," Morgan said while she stomped her foot.

Tony smiled and lead the kids to the car and took them to summer day camp to see their friends. There was no kiss goodbye and it hurt Tony deeply. He didn't know how to live this way. He couldn't stand being disconnected from Pepper.

Pepper went into the living room and she grabbed her laptop to try and do some work while her mom was watching game shows.

"I see things between you and Tony are not going so well. I advised you against dating him but you didn't listen. But Brad is back. And he wants to be with you. Are you going to keep seeing him?" Geraldine said.

Pepper felt a fury washing over her. This was all happening because of her mother.

"No mother I'm not going to keep seeing him," Pepper said.

"But why not? You guys are so good together," her mother said with disdain.

"Well for starters our relationship was predictable and boring. Not like with Tony who's still able to surprise me. And the sex with Brad is not full filling to me and with Tony it's amazing," Pepper said finding herself blushing at the thought.

"Suprises and sex aren't everything Virginia. Stability and maturity are also something your husband is lacking,"

"Do you know that Brad tried to attack me? He held me down and tried to force himself on me," Pepper explained.

"When was this?" her mother asked, sounding appalled.

"The day you took the kids to the city," she explained.

"Well that's not like him. You must have given him mixed signals," Geraldine explained.

"Mixed signals? Are you kidding me mom?" Pepper said.

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