Part 20

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POV Amara

I greeted my parents with a hug and walked them to the dinning table. We sat down and the parents started the interogation:

Dad: How did you two meet?

Me: When I was the UA counselor 

Mom: That's cute, your man, he can take care of himself

Aizawa: I can take care of myself, I can cook, I can clean, I know how to take care of kids

Dad: He can make himself of use, that's good

Me: He's respectful and caring 

Mom: I saw that, and he has a nice car

Aizawa: Thank you

Mom: I don't have any reasons to say no but since Amara is my only daughter I don't want to make it easy for her husband

Aizawa: I'll do anything to get your blessing

Mom: Anything? He said anything? She turned to my dad

Dad: He did say anything

Mom: Uhuh, and what about bride price? (bride price is a common practice in Africa, different than Meher, basically the husband pays a certain price to the bride's family to show his willingness to marry the bride, the price can range it depends on the family)

Aizawa: Amara told me about bride price which is why when I proposed to her I had already written a check of $100,000. Here it is

Me: Damn, I didn't know about that

Aizawa: I wanted it to be a surprise

Dad: Son, you are a good man and despite the cultural differences you're ready to do anything to marry my daughter, and your handsome to I can brag about you to my family. You have won my side

Mom: He's right, you're indeed a good man blah blah blah, but can he handle spicy food. You cannot marry into this family is Tabasco makes you cry

Aizawa: I'll chug down a whole bottle of Tabasco just to prove it to you

Me: No! No one is drinking Tabasco, now sit down. Mom I know in your head you already said yes you just want to make this more fun for you

Mom: You're right now. So we need at least, at the very least a 3 months preparation, just to call the family, prepare the venue, and organize everything for the traditional attire and all of that. We need three months, me and your aunt Amina will be organizing everything, you just sit back and wait.

Dad: I will be taking my son and treat him, we need to get you a good outfit for the wedding, and since you're marrying into the family we need to introduce you to the culture. I have already called my brothers and cousins and my dad, either we go back home or everyone comes here

Aizawa: I know Amara wants to go back to her home country and I would love to visit it

Dad: Amazing then, it is all planned. We're leaving in 2 weeks to go back home. 

Mom: I need to call the family back home, I'll be back in an hour

Me: Tell Aunt Amina I said hi

So my mom left, my dad also went somewhere. Calling family to announce a wedding was always a long process, I swear we need to call the siblings, then the cousins, then aunts, uncles, pretty much anyone related to the family, and let's not talk about making invitations. Weddings were always a long process but it always turned out amazing. Aunt Amina was always amazing at organizing weddings because she had a lot of friends and contacts. 

I turned to Aizawa who was smiling so hard, his cheeks might hurt. I hugged him, happier than ever. We're finally getting married. We danced around like idiots for like 10 minutes until we sat back down. 

A few weeks later

Everything was ready, everyone knew we would come, house was ready, suitcases packed. We were now driving on our way to the airport. We passed through security, got in the plane and relaxed. Of course we were in first class, my mom had some kind of phobia of economy class, saying she would be caught dead sitting there. We got home and as I got of the plane I took a long minutes to feel the air around me. Damn I missed everything about this place, the weather, the sun, the people, man even those annoying mosquitoes weren't that bad since I haven't experienced them in so long. We went in and since we had family pretty much everywhere. Some random cousins had already gotten our suitcases and couldn't wait to see us. I greeted them with a huge hug and then all looked at Aizawa who was just standing there. They smiled and hugged him too, welcoming him in our country.

Outside our family was waiting for us with flowers, balloons, and their infamous necklaces. Married couples in our family were gifted necklaces made of jasmine flowers for good luck. I loved the necklaces and rarely got to wear them. We got in the car and they drove us home while asking questions about us and japan until we got home. I loved how when we were celebrating for someone, especially weddings, these people didn't have to life a finger. 

Aizawa, my parents and I entered our childhood house. It was a huge house, 4 floor, 7 bedrooms, 6 bathroom and 3 balconies, my mom loved this house. After all these years it was still in perfect condition. I got up the stairs to my old room. Put our suitcases down and jumped on my bed. I turned on the AC and Aizawa jumped next to me. I sighed, it was so good to be back home.

I put the jasmine necklaces on the headboard of our bed since that's how it was always done. Laid back down and relaxed to the familiar cold air of the AC. Still we couldn't relax for long. The doorbell rang and we got down to greet family members who came with gifts. They brought drinks, sodas, fruits, some came with traditional attire, more jasmine necklaces. My uncle Mohamed even came with hugs bags of groceries since we just moved in "I can't have the only daughter of my favorite sibling go hungry. what kind of uncle would I be?". We sat down in the living room and Aizawa got tons of hugs and kissed from half of the family. He was handsome and polite so they instantly loved him. We continued talking about the wedding preparations and they left.

To be continued

There's only 2 chapters left of this story and then it will be over, sorry for being inactive for so long. I hope you enjoyed this story and if you liked it, I have others on my page you can check out.

Have a good day/night. 

The new counselor Aizawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now