Part 13

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POV Amara

I woke up the next day to loud music and the smell of pancakes, I went to my bathroom, took a shower and changed. I did my morning routine and went to the kitchen, Nicki was cooking while dancing. I started dancing with her, it was my favorite kind of morning, dancing and just vibing with someone you love. We then sat down and started eating I asked:

Me: Nicki I have something to tell you

Nicki: Yes?

Me: I have though about it for some time now and I think I would like to go back to Nairobi, spend some time there. Recharge my batteries you know. I don't like being far from home 

Nicki: Yes of course, do you want me to come?

Me: You don't have to. I know you feel at home here and you have Elias. I'll go alone. 

Nicki: As you wish, have fun

Me: I'll go to work, talk to the principal, say goodbye to the others and I'll take my stuff tomorrow of the day after.

Nicki: I'll miss you

Me: I won't leave for more than 2 years don't worry. It would be a great occasion to train, push my limits, learn new things

Nicki: You better learn how to make Nyama Choma when you're there

Me: Haha I promise I'll make you the best Nyama Choma you've ever tasted.

Nicki: It will feel weird not having you, we were together almost everyday since we met.

Me: I'll call you everyday, I promise

Nicki: If you don't I'll take the plane and come beat your ass

Me: You love me too much to hurt me

Nicki: Whatever now go to work you're going to be late

I go to my room, brush my teeth one more time and put my shoes on, I take a bag and drive to school. I directly walk to the principal's office and tell him everything. He's a nice guy and is understanding. He says that it's fine. I go to my office and start packing a few things. I sit down and start typing my resignation letter. Aizawa barges in my office and starts talking:

Aizawa: Is it true that you're leaving. Listen I did one mistake but you can't dump me like that. I love you Amara

I starts ranting without keeping my eyes off my computer:

Me: I'm done dealing with you. You made a huge mistake and it's not something I can forgive. I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out if I did something wrong. I'm hurt, you betrayed me, broke my trust. I'm going back to my hometown. I'm need you to go now.

Aizawa: But- 


I lose my patience not noticing smoke coming out of my ears. He leaves and I'm now left alone, in peace. I finish my letter and send it to the principal. 

The day now over. I go home and sit down on my couch. I really need some time away from this. I go to dancing. Not being able to focus Mary asks:

Mary: Amara are you alright?

Me: I'm about one coffee spill away from breaking down sweetie

Mark: you should go home

Me: I'm going to be okay, don't worry about me. Now let's continue

We continue dancing, it's the end of the class. I go home and start playing some music. I took a bucket of ice cream and start eating.

Few days later

Today is my last day, my flight is at night. I got my stuff from my office and my suitcase is ready. I just came to say goodbye to everyone. I went and took some coffee. I started talking to Mic and All-Might, the others aren't here. We drink coffee and Mic is trying to convince me to stay. I'll come back, I just need some time away from all of this. Go home, and see my family. Elias comes, we talk a bit and they go teach their classes. Everyone finished teaching their classes, it's time to say goodbye. I say goodbye, some shed a few tears. I'm really going to miss them. I was about to leave the building when somebody slammed me against the wall. Aizawa....

Me: What do you want?

Aizawa: I know I did a mistake, I fucked up. Please don't leave, everyone loves you. The students, the teachers. I love you. I can't live without you. Please Don't leave me

I squeeze his arm:

Me: Yes you did make a huge mistake. I'm glad and proud that you acknowledged your mistake but it's not something you can easily forgive. I will always love you. We're adults so I'm not going to be petty about it and wish you the worst. You fucked up, it's over and I'll go my own way. I wish you glory, happiness and success for the rest of your life. I hope she makes you happy, or maybe you'll find someone else. You hurt me, very badly. I'm also leaving because I need some time away, I need to go home, see my family

Aizawa: But this is your home

Me: No it's not. I didn't grow up here, I wasn't born here. I need to leave now. Goodbye Aizawa. May we meet again

I leave and drive home. I can't help but shed a few tears, I'm so proud I managed to keep my cool and not cry in front of him. I arrive home and take a shower, I order some food and eat. It's now time to leave. Nicki and Elias come over. They drive me to the airport. I make sure I have everything I need and leave. 

I'm really going to miss this place. 

To be continued

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