Part 10

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It has been a very long time since I've been captured by villains. They feed me a tiny bit of water and bread everyday. Just enough to keep me alive. I think they're drugging me because I can't use my quirks anymore. I am chained and in pain most of the time. They either use me as their punching bag to let off some steam of sometimes someone comes and try weird things like inject some liquids or will try their fighting techniques on me. I hate it here. I don't know for how long I've been here or if it's day or night. It's very dark and stuffy where I am. I'm sick of being here but I'm too weak to do anything. I need to stop drinking whatever their giving me. I don't think someone's going to save me so I have to save myself.
I'm thinking very hard of a plan to get me out of here. I need to recognize patterns. Everyday the same guy comes and gives me water.
First I stop drinking water, I'll just keep it in my mouth and spit when they leave. Second when I can restart using my quirk I'm going to use a bit of my sweat since it's very hot here and make a small nail that will cut through his skin, when his blood will flow I will control it and use it to kill him. I will use his blood, heat it and melt my chains.
That is part one of the plan, now I need to figure out how to leave this place and get to a public place. Figuring out the part two is the plan seems way more complicated that I thought. I could just Improvise something. No that's a bad idea. Ugh why is it so complicated? Whatever I'll just improvise, I need to get out of these chains. I mean usually if I was tied up or chained i wouldn't complain but not in these circumstances.

Later on

I haven't drunk their water in a long time. I starting to regain control over my quirk. I can do it. I'm very weak but I just need to focus. I'm exactly 30 seconds the usual guy is gonna come and put water in my mouth. Yes, I've been literally counting seconds and minutes, I didn't even know I could do this but I guess it's a matter of life or death. He's here, I focus and make the nail using my sweat. I put it on the floor where he usually puts his foot. He bends to put the water in my mouth. I just carefully watch his movements, right now! He steps on it, he curses and he removes his shoe, blood is flowing out. I take this occasion to make a small blade and slit his throat. He falls on the floor. I'm happy this room is soundproof they can't hear him. He starts bleeding out so I control his blood and melt my chains. I stand up but trip, I'm very dizzy, I leave the room and see a bunch of people outside. I do something that I swore I'll never do again but if I don't they'll kill me. I close my eyes and focus. I visualize them, their chakras, their energy and slowly breathe in. I feel better already. They are very weak now so I take use the guys remaining blood and after freezing it slices their necks. I hate myself for it but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do when you gotta do.
I leave the building and walk, I'm in the middle of nowhere. I'm starting to feel weaker. Wait I see lights, voices. Finally, a public place. I reach them and walk well limp I would say. I need to ask for help. I'm feeling all their energy leave my body. My sight is blurry; I can't hear anything. I feel myself falling, too weak.

POV Aizawa

I was doing paperwork when I got a call from the police, they found Amara and she's in the hospital. I stand up take my coat and run to the hospital. It has been 2 weeks since she was captured by the villains. We looked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found. I listen to the officer telling me everything. She was found on the streets, she fainted there so they think she found a way to escape. She's incredible, escaped by herself, I still feel horrible for not finding her sooner. I should've been the one to save her, she wouldn't have to go through all this. I arrive to the hospital and run to her room, the doctor is inside doing a few tests. He notices my presence and start explain what happened to her:

Doctor: She has been beaten and burned badly, she also has some kind of poison in her bloodstream. We neutralized the poison and her wounds are going to heal. The problem is that she's very malnourished, she probably hasn't eaten in weeks and haven't drank in days. It might take long for her to wake up, her body needs to recover. The thing is undernourishment affected her brain, we don't know how she's going to be when she wakes up. We're not even sure she's going to wake up. It might take a long time, weeks maybe
Me: Thank you
Doctor: You can stay here just don't make any noise, she needs to rest

He leaves me alone with her, I take a chair and sit near her bed. I hold her hand. She did lose a lot of weight. I feel so bad, it's my fault, if I had found her sooner she wouldn't be in this situation. I should've looked in every building of this country. I should've been smarter; I should've located her. She has eye bags and looks sick. I hate seeing her like that.
The past weeks were horrible, I missed her so much. I couldn't sleep, eat or do anything without thinking about her so I threw myself into work. I would spend days in her office, nights at her house, just looking at her pictures, smelling her perfume. I missed her so much. At least she's here now, she's not going to leave me again, she's going to get better and be healthy again.
I hope...

To be continued

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