Part 11

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PDV Amara

I wake up on a hospital bed, my whole body is aching. My head hurts like hell. I wonder what I'm doing here. I see a nurse come in, she looks at me in surprise and leave the room instantly. The only thing I know is that I'm not in Nairobi. I don't remember leaving. I don't remember anything. A doctor comes in, he speaks Japanese. At least something I understand since I woke up, he runs a few test:

Doctor: How do you feel?

Me: I'm in pain but I guess that's normal. What am I doing here?

Doctor: Amara you were found on the streets very malnourished and beaten you've been in a coma for 3 month

Me: My question is what the hell am I doing in Japan. As far as I remember I was in Nairobi

Doctor: Well you seem to have lost your memory but don't worry your boyfriend is coming he's going to explain everything

On this last point he leaves. Boyfriend? What is he talking about I don't have a boyfriend. I need to see Nicki. A man enters, he seems sad, he has dark long hair and is wearing a casual outfit, he's pretty hot I'm not going to lie. He comes to me and kisses me, I throw him away in surprise:

Me: Who the fuck are you?!

Guy: Amara I-

Me: Who the fuck are you?

Guy: Baby-

Me: Who are you?

Guy: *sigh* I'm your boyfriend  

Me: Boy I don't know who you think you are but I don't have a boyfriend. Now tell me what the hell am I doing in Japan

Guy: You're a therapist, a hero. You've been living in Japan for a long time now

Me: What?

Guy: You were kidnapped, got into a coma and lost your memory  

Me: I need to see Nicki

Guy: She-

Me: Where the fuck is Nicki at?

I stand up and leave my room 


Nicki: I'm here, I'm here

I felt my legs dropping, I couldn't move them anymore. I fell down but Nicki caught me, she had a water bottle and a lunch box in her hand. She puts her other hand behind my shoulder and helps me go back to my bed, she sits me down and gives me water:

Me: Nicki, tell me what are we doing here, we should be in Nairobi right now

Nicki: Breathe, I'm going to explain everything but first answer this question.

Me: Yeah?

Nicki: Do you know who this man is?

She points at the man sitting beside me

Me: I hate to say this I hope I don't sound ridiculous I don't know who this man is. Like he could be walking down the street I, I wouldn't know a thing

Nicki: Aizawa, give me your phone and I think you should leave

Aizawa: You're right

The man leaves and I'm alone with Nicki

Nicki: Here the doctor told me you haven't ate in a while. I got you your favorite food, and some water

Me: Thank you so much you're the best

Nicki: I know, just eat and I'll explain everything

I open the lunchbox and start eating while she explains what we're doing here and how I ended up on a hospital bed. She finally ends up talking about this man who called himself my boyfriend:

Nicki: He's your colleague, he's a good guy. He loves you and you love him. Here are a few pictures,

She takes the phone he gave her earlier and shows me a few pictures:

Nicki: You were on a field trip that day,

In the pictures we were together, we seemed happy. We were holding hands and I had a lip and nose piercing that I don't remember getting:

Nicki: About the piercings, we got really wasted and got them

She showed me her tongue piercing:

Nicki: So you understand or is it too much to process at once?

Me: So, I'm Amara Keith, I'm 29, I've been living in Japan for 2 years now. I'm a counselor at UA I think, I'm also a teacher at a dance club. My best friends are All-Might and Elias who's your boyfriend. Also the man who was here earlier is named Shota Aizawa and he's my boyfriend 

Nicki: Yes! You're doing great, you're going to gain your memory back soon.

Me: A lot to process but I can handle it

Nicki: Don't do too much, you're still recovering  

Me: Thank you a lot

Nicki: Don't Thank me, that's normal. One day you told me you would die for me, doing this for you is nothing. It might take some time before you're able to leave but you're friends are going to visit

At the same moment we hear a knock on the door, a man enters:

???: Hello

Nicki: Hey

Me: Hello, brother what are you doing here?

Nicki: you remember him?

Me: No but I can sense the Africanism in him. He's African we're already friends

Nicki: Okay so that's Elias

Me: Hey Elias

Elias: How do you feel?

He comes in with a bouquet of flowers. He puts it on a table and sits next to Nicki:

Elias: I'm glad to see you're awake

Me: I'm still weak but I'll be okay 

Elias: Great, everyone was really worried about you. Mostly Aizawa

Me: Really?

Elias: Yeah like he came everyday to see you and would most of his time working in your office. He even started listening to African music because it reminded him of you. This man is head over heels for you 

Me: I guess so...

Elias: Also your students would like to come visit you 

Me: Tell them they can come anytime

Elias: You should do it yourself, I got your phone 

He gives me a phones that I unlock using my fingerprint, I go through it, pictures, text messages, notes. I have a group chat with the students from dancing, I read conversations I had with All-Might, this guy named Mic, Nicki and Elias. I see the way I used to talk about Aizawa. I also had a ton of pictures of us together or him, he was sleeping in some. I guess he looks like he might need a lot of sleep. Damn, I really loved him.

I take a selfie and send it to the group with the caption « I look pretty good for a dead bitch », I may have lost my memory I won't lose my sense of humor. The kids didn't lose time to answer and were asking a ton of questions. I answered a few and told them that they can come anytime. They planned on coming tomorrow.

Elias was about to leave but before doing so he asked:

Elias: By the way, I heard you freed yourself. Girl I knew you were a bad bitch but you've outdone yourself and anyone. 

Me: Shut up

He chuckled and left

To be continued

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