Part 19

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Aizawa: My parents.. well we rarely talk. I'm not on good terms with them

Me: Why is that?

Aizawa: I don't want to talk about it

Me: It's fine. Do you want to eat something?

Aizawa: I'm starving

Me: Yes let's cook something. What do you want?

Aizawa: Let's order food. 

He gave me his phone

Me: Sushi or ramen?

Aizawa: Both

Me: Alright

I called the restaurant and payed online. When the doorbell rang I asked Aizawa:

Me: Can you let go of me so I can get the food?

Aizawa: But I don't want to

Me: If you don't met me go, we're not eating

Aizawa: Fine, my wallet is in the basket at the front door

Me: Who said you're paying?

Aizawa: Who said you're paying?

Me: I did

Aizawa: Well I want to pay

Me: Baby you are starting something you cannot finish. You can't argue to pay with an African, I'm paying, period.

Aizawa: Not if I get there first

Me: You're not


I switched positions and when he was on the couch I ran to the front door before being stopped by his annoying scarf, he ran while I was tied to the couch. Before he could reach the front door I spilled water near him and froze his feet to the floor. I managed to untie myself and opened the door. The surprise on the delivery man's face made both of us burst out laughing. I paid and took the food from his hands. I defrosted Aizawa and we sat on the couch, stil recovering from the laugh:


Aizawa: I really think you should become a hero

Me: I really should but this was a whole workout. I giggled

Aizawa: Let's eat now


We started eating while watching TV until we heard a loud bang on the door. I opened it and Nicki looked very angry:

Nicki: Bitch you're getting married?

Me: I am

Nicki: And I had to learn it through your mom who told the whole family back home, who told my cousin who told my aunt who told my mom who told my sister who told me. You didn't tell me

Me: I called my mom first, was I supposed to call you?

Nicki: Of course! That's what I'm here for. I was supposed to know before your mom

Me: I guess so, come in we ordered sushi

Nicki: I thought you would never ask


Nicki came in and we all sat down and ate the remaining of the sushi. We were all talking until Nicki asked:

Nicki: When is mama coming?

Me: I don't know when you're mom is coming

Nicki: I'm talking about your mom

Me: You call my mom, mama?

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