Part 12

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POV Amara 

It has been a week since I woke up. I still don't have flashbacks or remember anything that happened the past years. Also fun fact, since because of the undernourishment my hair fell out so Nicki helped me shave it off. I'm now bald, but I still look good. My friends and some students came to visit; they were very nice. Aizawa didn't come, I guess it must be hard for him since I don't know who he is. I feel like talking to him, I take my phone and call him. He answers with his deep, soft voice:

Aizawa: Hello Amara

Me: Hi, how are you?

Aizawa: I'm good, what about you?

Me: I'm getting better

Aizawa: Glad to hear that

Me: I was wondering if you could come, I would like to talk to you

Aizawa: I'm coming, do you need anything?

Me: No thank you

I hang up and wait for him. He shows up shortly after, he has a few plastic bags:

Me: I remember saying I didn't want anything

Aizawa: I remember once you made me breakfast even though I told you I wasn't hungry and said-

Me: I don't take no for an answer 

Aizawa: You remember?

Me: It just randomly came to my mind

Aizawa: So I got you, your favorite snacks and drinks because Nicki told me you didn't like their food

Me: Thanks but you shouldn't have 

Aizawa: No need to thank me, it's normal  

He sits close to me and start taking the snacks out of the bag, I love them all. We start eating and I say:

Me: So the reason I wanted you to come is because I was wondering: what was I like, what were we like before the incident?

Aizawa: There's a lot to say. You were the best person I have ever met. You were kind and generous, supportive, funny and bright. You made me very happy and I hope I did too. You loved physical contact so we hugged and kissed a lot. There's way more to say but I don't have the words to describe how incredible and one of a kind you were

Me: Oh my- That's so nice. Oh my God, I'm not going to cry because my mom didn't raise no bitch but still. I chuckle

I hug him:

Aizawa: I missed you so much. Don't leave me again

Me: I won't

1 year later

I've recovered. I'm feel better now, went back to work and life came back to the way it was before but there's a problem. Shota has been cold, always on his phone or working. That kind of hurts me thought but I'm hiding it. I'm now waiting for Shota at a bar, we planned to meet up to have a drink. He's late, I'm not even surprised at this point, I see him enter the bar, from a far I waved at him, he waved back on his way to sit next to me but a girl came and stood in front of him, they started talking and I started listening:

Shota: Mina! Oh my I haven't seen you in a while

Mina: It's great to see you Shota

Shota: You've gotten way more beautiful. You were gorgeous before but now you look like a Goddess

He takes her hand and spin her around complimenting her:

Mina: What are you doing here?

Shota: I came to take a drink with my girlfriend

He pointed at me and told me to come, I was next to him and he introduced me to Mina, his ex. I heard she was a model. I looked at her, she was my polar opposite: she was shorter than Aizawa and I was almost his height, she had short brown hair with bangs, she was skinny and small. She was really pretty, milky white skin. She left and we sat down, I took my phone out and texted Nicki asking her to call me as fast as possible and sound dramatic I need to get out of this situation. She calls a few seconds later, I put her on speaker and ask what's going on. Obviously she's crying asking me to come as fast as possible, I take my purse and leave. It felt weird leaving, usually when I leave I give him a forehead kiss and tell him I love him, it became a habit. I went home and saw Nicki she was waiting asking what's going on because I rarely ask her to do this, we went to my room and I started doing my makeup, it helped me relax. She asked:

Nicki: What's going on?

Me: I told you Shota has been cold right? And today we went to get a drink, he was late and he met his ex. She was my polar opposite 

Nicki: What do you mean?

Me: You know that one ex. The model ex. Skinny little, pretty little bitty body model ex. I said rolling my eyes

Nicki: You shouldn't be jealous, you're a bad bitch, she's a tiny bitch. You could easily crush her without your quirk

Me: Nicki we're not beating anyone up

Nicki: You're not fun, what's the point of having enemies if you don't beat them up

Me: And he was calling her beautiful and called her a Goddess. Who calls their ex a Goddess?  

Nicki: I'm telling you to dump his ass before he hurts you, he's going to cheat eventually

Me: I trust him, he's not going to cheat

Nicki: If you trust him then you do you. I'm going to prepare a breakup package when I get home

Me: You're mean

Nicki: I like being prepared  

Me: Whatever, how are things with you and Elias?

Nicki: Honestly he's great, an angel,

Me: I'm happy for you, he's a great guy and he knows that I will bust his balls if he hurts you

Nicki: You're the mean one

Me: I'm protective it's different

Nicki: Do you want to go to the club

Me: I mean why not, we haven't hung out like that in a long time 

Nicki: Lets dress up

I wear a dress and sneakers, we walk to the bar and sit down, I decide to go to the bathroom while Nicki orders drinks, I was in the women's bathroom when I saw a couple enter, making out, it was Mina but I couldn't recognize the other. He kind of looks like.... Shouta. This motherfucker, they noticed my presence and move away from each other. I finish washing my hands when Aizawa comes to me:

Aizawa: It's not what it looks like

Me: Oh no worries no need to panic. I'm not going to kill you it's all cool. Have fun with your new girlfriend I'm going to get drunk and have fun. 

I smile to Mina and leave I go back to our table and Nicki sees me:

Nicki: Why are you angry?

Me: Who says I'm angry?

Nicki: Your beer is boiling  

I look at my drink and it's indeed boiling. I let go of it and answer 

Me: You were right. He did cheat. Faster than I imagined

Nicki: Do you want to go home?

Me: No it's cool, let's have fun and get drunk,that's why we're here right? I need to cool off otherwise someone is going to die tonight 

Nicki: Yeah

We take our drinks and start dancing, drinking and having fun in general. I then participated to a drinking contest, I won obviously but it was still fun to see them try. We then left and went home, without piercing or tattooing anything which is a win.

To be continued

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