Part 16

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We arrive home, we enter and I take my jacket off:

Me: Did you have fun?

Aizawa: A lot, it was really fun. would love to go to one of these weddings one day  

Me: You will

Aizawa: Anyway I going home

Me: Wait!

Aizawa: Yeah?

Me: I think you should stay, I don't want you driving this late. 

Aizawa: Is That Okay with you?

Me: I'm literally the one who asked

Aizawa: Alright then

He takes his jacket off

Me: I may have an over sized shirt somewhere that might fit you

I go to my room and get a very big shirt that I had. I gave it to him with a pair of shorts and went to my bathroom. I took a shower, did my night routine and to sleep decided to wear a shirt and panties. I didn't like wearing too much while sleeping. I get out and Aizawa is on my bed, looking at the ceiling. I lay down beside him:

Me: Want to eat something?

Aizawa: No, I ate too much of that rice. If I eat anything I'm going to puke

Me: That rice was indeed delicious 

I turn to my side and look at his side profile. He was so handsome. He turned his head facing me. We stayed like that for some time looking into each other's eyes. My eyes later drifted to his lips, his soft, pink lips. I missed these lips so much. Damn, I want to kiss him so bad:

Aizawa: do you really want to kiss me?

Me: Wait did I say that out loud?

Aizawa: Yes you did

Me: Well I do really want to kiss you

Aizawa: Do it then

Me: Don't have to tell me twice

I hold his neck and bring him close to me. I kiss him. I missed his kisses, so deep it made me forget anything else. I break the kiss and touch our foreheads:

Me: I love you

Aizawa: I love you too

On these words we fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning with an empty place next to me. Was it a dream. I stand up and start playing some music. I go take a shower, I change into a pair of biker shorts and a hoodie. I brush my teeth and style my hair. I leave the room and goes to the kitchen. Aizawa is cooking breakfast. He sees me and comes up to me. Gives me a kiss and asks:

Aizawa: Did you sleep well honey?

Me: I did, what about you?
Aizawa: I always sleep like a baby when I have you in my arms. I'm making scrambled eggs. You like that right?

Me: You still remember?

Aizawa: I'll never forget

Me: I'm going shopping today  

Aizawa: Do you want me to come?

Me: Yes, I would like to spend some time with you

Aizawa: Let me get a few clothes at home and we'll go.

He served the food on 2 plates and we start eating. While eating we joke and laugh, I missed that, he goes home to change and get a few outfits while I wait and cleanup a bit. He comes back in a new outfit and we go to the mall. We shop for clothes and while Shota is in the bathroom I buy him a few things since I missed his birthday. I try on a few clothes and buy a lot of things. We have like 6 bags, Aizawa insisted on carrying them. He's such a sweetheart. I love him. We stopped in a restaurant and ordered some food. We were eating and minding out business until I saw someone I haven't seen in years.

POV Aizawa

I love spending time with Amara. Cuddling and sleeping with her in my arms. Eating with her. Going shopping with her, I know I did mistakes in the past but I will treat her like the queen she is. 

We were eating until I heard a man call her name. I turned around and it was a guy, he was taller than me, very muscular. He was also really handsome, he was wearing very expensive clothes and had sunglasses on. She went to him and asked:

Amara: Nicolas, is that you?

Nicolas: In flesh and blood baby girl

Amara: Wow it's been so long. What are you doing here?

Nicolas: I just wanted to travel the world a bit. This is 13th country

Amara: That's cool, I'm not really into traveling. I'm here with my boyfriend actually 

She came to me and took my hand:

Amara: Nicolas, this is Aizawa my boyfriend. Aizawa, this is Nicolas my high school friend

Nicolas: Nice to meet you

He left and went to talk to the barman. He later went to the small stage and started singing. Damn on top of all this, he's a good singer:

The lyrics were indeed very inappropriate but that's not the worst. He was looking at Amara the whole time. Flirting with her from afar, winking at her. She also seemed to like the song. I couldn't help but be jealous. It also made me feel insecure. I mean he's taller, stronger, more handsome, rich and can sing well. Maybe she'll leave me for him. She's too good for me anyway.
He finished singing and says:

Nicolas: I didn't say it at the beginning but this song is dedicated to Amara Keith
Everyone turns to us, she walk up to the stage and takes the mic, my heart dropped and shattered:

Amara: Well Nicolas, I'm flattered. I'm sorry though, because I have a man

Nicolas: He won't fuck you as good as I do

Amara: I'm good thanks because my man fucks me like a porn star, my man loves me and I love him. Now don't think that because you're rich you're better than everyone because you could never give me what he gives me

Nicolas: And what is it?

Amara: An orgasm. Don't be acting all cocky, your dick small anyway. Yikes

Nicolas: But Amara, I can buy you anything

Amara: Nicolas you need to understand something. You're ugly, inside and out. You look like a ingrown toenail and you have the personality of a rock. No amount of money can hide the fact that you're a bitch. Damn, leave me alone 

She gave him a disgusted look and winked at me. She dropped the mic and came to me. She took my arm and we left. We arrived home and lied on the couch cuddling:

Me: Amara?

Amara: Yes baby?

Me: Would you leave me?

Amara: What? of course not

Me: Even for some rich guy like Nicolas

Amara turns around facing me:

Amara: Sweetheart, you're the best man I've ever met, I would never leave you even for the richest man on the planet. You're the only one who makes me feel so loved and happy. I won't leave you. Ever. I promise. Even if you did mistakes in the past, well no ones perfect and I can see that you're a better man.
Me: So you think I fuck you like a porn star?
Amara: Very much. You're the only one

The only one...

To be continued 

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