Part 14

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A year and a half later

I'm now in the plane back to Japan. I didn't plan to come back for some time but Elias and Nicki are getting married. I'm so happy for them. I arrive on the Japanese soil and go through security. I see Elias and Nicki waiting for me. I run to her and hug her. I hug Elias after:

Nicki: I missed you so much

Me: I missed you even more. Congratulations for your weeding 

Elias: Thank you

He takes my suitcase and he drives me to my old house. It looks the same as before. It's also clean. I sit down and we order a pizza, we eat while talking:

Nicki: How was Nairobi?

Me: It was wonderful. I had an amazing year, I met the family and went to train a bit

Nicki: How was it

Me: Very tiring but I'm stronger now. 

Elias: I can feel it, you're more powerful than before

Me: I know right

Nicki: What dress did you choose for the weeding.

Me: I'll wear a suit

Nicki: That's Great. I swear if you look better than me I will fight you

Me: I would never

Nicki: By the way. Did  you learn how to do Nyama Choma? Because it's the only reason why I let you go

Me: Yes, I'll make you some one day

Nicki: You better haha 

We finish eating and they go home. I sit down on the couch and breathe a bit. It feels great being here. Reminds me of when I first came here. I meditate for some time. A new habit I picked up from there. I take a shower and change, I take my car and go to the grocery store. I arrive there and start looking for the basics: milk, eggs, meat, spices etc. I was almost done, I was in an alley looking for ice cream when I saw a familiar face. Wait is that Mic, he noticed me and walks up to me:

Mic: Amara is that you?

Me: Yes, I came back for Nicki and Elias' weeding

Mic: That's great. I'm so happy to see you

Me: It's nice to see you too

Mic: Everyone really missed you. Something was missing when we went to work.

Me: I'm sure y'all only missed my cookies 

Mic: Mainly but you're great too

Me: Haha. How are the others, I didn't see anyone except the lovely couple.

Mic: Everyone is doing great. I came to get some food for Shota, he's not doing well

Me: What's up with him?

Mic: Since you left he has been throwing himself into work or sleeping. He doesn't eat much 

Me: Oh, hope he'll get better. By the way here's my new number

I give him my new number on a piece of paper

Me: I need to go, it was great seeing you. Tell Aizawa I wish him recovery 

I take my bags and leave with the groceries. I go home and start cooking some food. I eat and lay on my bed, what Mic told me earlier replays in my head "Since you left he has been throwing himself into work or sleeping". A part of me is telling me that's it's because I left and he loves me but the other is telling me that's his new bitch hurt him. I feel bad for him though. It took long but I forgave him, I got over him. I don't love him anymore

Or do I..

To be continued

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