Part 5

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POV Aizawa

The past days I spent ignoring Amara felt annoying and boring. I miss her so much, today when I bumped into her, that little « sorry » and the way she looked at me with these puppy dog eyes broke me. I ate the brownies and the letter made my day honestly, but I don't know if she like loves me, she did write it in her letter but I need to hear her say it. 

It's the end of the day, I need to talk to her. I go to her house and knock but she doesn't answer the door, I look inside through the window and she's not home. As much as I hate to do it I text Elias, he's a good guy and I have no reason to not like him. I just don't like how close he is to Amara; I ask him where Amara is. He told me she's at some dancing club, he sent me the address. I walked there since it's very close to her house. I enter and see her among other teenagers. They're dancing, in front of a huge mirror all panting and sweating. I stare at her, she's so serious and focused but at the same time you can see she's having fun. 

The song ends and she turns to her students:

Amara: Alright everyone that's all for today, you all did a great job. I'm very proud of every single one of you. But Kyle, Mary, Frank stay for some time.

Everyone leaves except 2 guys and 1 girl

Amara: Y'all are great but Kyle you're to stiff when dancing with the girl. I know you're trying to not make her uncomfortable and avoid touching her which is great, you're a good guy but you look like you're being forced to be here 

She gets close to him

Amara: See when she comes and does this you have to put your hands on her hips and then she moves and you have to move at the same time

She puts his hands on her hips and she shows him the part of the choreography she make him practice

Amara: Attitude and facial expression are very important, you need to look like you're having fun, you can't be dancing and look constipated it's weird. Understand?

Kyle: Yes ma'am

Amara: great you can go now. Mary, I noticed that when going down on the floor you seem scared, don't worry you're not going to hurt yourself, you have to relax, come here
She takes Mary next to her and shows her the moves

Amara: Don't be scared of the floor, you're not going to get hurt, I promise, but do it once you'll be fine

Mary: Alright 

Amara: See, I knew you could do it. Go home safe now. Lastly Frank, I didn't keep you here to improve your moves but your mental health, you look drained, like you're not having fun anymore. Is everything okay? Do you want to talk about it?

Frank: it's about my mom

Amara: Is she okay?

Frank: She's sick and the treatment is very expensive so I have to work more, I can barely have time to make it to class

Amara: I understand how hard it is, you shouldn't handle all of this alone. We'll figure something out. Tomorrow don't come okay, take some time to rest and relax. You'll be okay I promise. If there's a problem you can call me anytime 

Frank: Thank you so much

Amara: No need to thank me sweetheart. Now go

Frank leaves and she's now alone. She starts playing music and dancing. I want to talk to her but at the same time I don't want to, I just want to look at her, she probably hates me anyway.
I look at her, focused but having fun. I analyze her every moves, the way her body moves, her facial expressions match the vibe of the song, a real talent. She plays another song, and another, and another. It had been almost an hour; she's exhausted but continues. She should stop, I feel like she's going to collapse at any moment. The song ends and she's panting. Having trouble breathing, she falls to the floor. I panic and run to her. She's still conscious, I ask her:

Me: Amara are you okay?

Amara: I'm exhausted 

Me: I'm going to take you home

I carry her and walk to her house, I get her keys out and open the door. I enter and put her on her bed. I go to the kitchen and get her a glass of water. I go back to see her but she's sleeping. I guess she really needed that. I sit on a chair and stare at her, I'll never get tired of looking at her. She's so cute. I think I love her. No I don't think. I do love her. She's great. I end up falling asleep on the chair, my head resting on my hand. 

I wake up shortly after, I look at the clock, 3 am. The moon is shining, I look at Amara, she's shaking, is she having a nightmare? I don't know what to do. What do people who are having a nightmare need? I just lay down next to her and cuddle her, she seems to calm down. I like having her in my arms. I hold her tightly and fall back asleep.

To be continued

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