Part 21

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I woke up to my mom shaking me. I sat up, hugged her and she dragged me to the bathroom. I did my morning routine while she explained that the next few months were going to be busy as hell since we had to find a dress, go look for venues, buy decorations and do all the reservations. I put on a nice dress, put my shoes on, kissed Aizawa while he was still asleep and left. I knew Aizawa was going to be taken care of by my dad and both were asleep so they'll do their thing eventually.

Mom took me to see my eldest cousin. In our family if someone organized someone's wedding, that person had to be there when organizing their child's wedding, which meant she was going to come when we went dress shopping of decorations and doing reservations, she kind of had a say in what we did  it wasn't really a tradition but my eldest cousin promised me the day she got married that she was going to help plan mine. I hugged Aisha, me eldest cousin on my mom's side and without a word we got in the car and we went to pick up my aunt Amina and went looking for nice hotels where we could do the wedding. 

It took some time since my mom refused anything below 4 stars hotels. When we finally found the perfect hotel and talked to the manager about the time and the prices and everything. We thought about it for some time and decided it was the one. I took some pictures and videos and sent them to Aizawa which made my cousin laugh. "You ask your husband for his opinion?". I smiled and nodded which made her laugh even harder. "Baby it's okay, we're just not used to doing that. Ask him if you want. If he doesn't like it, we're taking it anyway"

I put my phone away and we got back in the car, visiting other places, meeting old family friends and we then got lunch it the same restaurant my mom used to take me when I was a kid. I felt nostalgic, and happy. It felt great to be back home. 

We ate and after a 15 minute argument between my mom and cousin about who should pay the bill. As someone who was going to get married I wasn't allowed to pay for anything. Finally after battle, Aisha ended up paying and we finally got to leave. 

On the way back home we were talking about what kind of dress I would want and of course the legendary: guest count. I knew all grandparents, my aunts, uncles, my cousins, my cousin's kids, friends, family friends, people who are apparently my cousins because my mom said so, people who are apparently my aunts and uncles because they were childhood friends with my parents therefore they're family members. So yeah, a lot of people were going to be there. 

When we got home my dad, uncles and Aizawa were all talking. I greeted everyone with a hug and sat down with them:

Aizawa: So yeah, I was asking your dad if he had a budget idea for the wedding

Uncle: Son please, we're Africans, when it comes to our weddings there's no budget, we plan everything and then we pay, no problems with that

Aizawa: Oh really?

Dad: Of course, the word budget is not even in our dictionary 

Me: Anyway, mom Aisha and I found a venue

Aizawa: Yes I saw it, it's beautiful, your family really has amazing taste

Dad: Son, she let you see the venue?

Aizawa: Yeah she sent me a video

Uncle: Amara is that true oh? No man in this family before him was included in the wedding preparations. Even I, showed up at my own wedding only knowing I was wearing a suit and I had to smile

Me: That is not even true. I laughed

Uncle: How would you know? You were not even conceived yet

Mom: Wedding plans are the women's specialty, it's like the second most important thing in our family

Aizawa: Second? What's the first

Mom: College graduation with a diploma and a GPA above 3.5 

Aizawa: Oh

Me: Now we need to make the guest list

Aisha: I got it

She dropped on the table a large heavy album, 3 pens and a notebook

Aisha: I go through the names of the family members, you write them down, mom will give you their number and then we call them to see who can or cannot come. Then we make the final list. It will take many hours. Men, get some food and drinks please

Aizawa: On it


We started working while the men gave us water and snacks. Aisha gave me the name of family members we have interacted with, I wrote them down and mom gave me their number, surprisingly she knew them all by hear, like I just said their names and instantly she was like "0638283420" like it was muscle memory. We finished an hour and a half later, then dad, uncle, Aisha and mom all grabbed their phone and called them one by one to announce the news. It led to a lot of screaming, blessings, prayers and drums in the background for some reasons. In the end after calling people I didn't even know were in my family tree, we made the final list.:

Me: It's okay we don't have much people

Aizawa: Like what 60?

Me: Oh no baby, 60? That's not even close. We have 123 guests, minimum because some might bring their kids

Mom: That's not much, your cousin Amir had 256 guests at his wedding

Me: Mom, Amir and I aren't even related

Mom: Yes but his mom was my friend in college so technically he's your cousin

Me: Anyway, yeah, we don't have much people so that's okay, now that we have the guest list, and the venue, what's left?

Aisha: The dress, the caretaker, the photographer and the color scheme for the decorations

Mom: Well I know a good caretaker and the photographer was already booked the day you told me you were getting married

Me: That was fast

Mom: That day I was ready 

Me: What about the color scheme. I would love gold and blue

Mom: Yes absolutely, love the idea, but Amara baby, what kind of dress do you want? 

Aisha: A white dress?

Me: Nope, I want something traditional you know

Mom: Oh I know, we can go during the week, right now we need dinner and rest. 

Me: Yup, I'm gonna go shower


I went to my room, took a shower, put some pyjamas on and went downstairs. Tonight we ordered food, ate in front of the TV and went to sleep.

To be continued

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