Part 8

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PDV Amara
Today is the day we're going on the field trip. I've been doing my best to avoid Aizawa. I'm now waiting for the students to come so they can get on the buses. I'm wear something comfortable that I could use if for some reasons we need to run:

 I'm wear something comfortable that I could use if for some reasons we need to run:

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There's no one around. I hear someone call my name, I turn around and see Aizawa walking towards me, I turn and walk away from him as fast and I can. I guess it was a stupid idea considering he has this solid scarf, he ties me up and brings me close to him. He's now holding my arms and looking at me in the eyes:

Aizawa: What's the matter with you?

Me: What do you mean?

Aizawa: Why have you been avoiding me

Me: I just, I-

Aizawa: Tell me because I feel like you're the one who hates me and it's pissing me off!

Me: It's because I love you!

Aizawa: What?

Me: I love you so much and I know you don't love me and every time I'm around you I remember that you'll never see me as more than a friend and I hate it!

Aizawa: What  makes you think that I don't love you!

Me: A month ago at the mall I saw you with this girl and she kissed you

Aizawa: Jokes?! I don't love her, she's a weird girl that follows me around. I love you Amara

Me: Are you serious?

It feels so dreamy, like am I dreaming, I probably am but this is one of the best dreams I could think of. It can't be happening. I never though I would hear him say it. My first reflex was to kiss him. He let go of my arms and put his hands on my waist. I put one hand on his hand and the other at the back of his head. The kiss is deep, it feels like everything around us disappeared. He breaks the kiss and looks at me in the eyes:

Aizawa: I love You 

Me: I love you too

I hear a student call us. I guess it's time to go. I hold Aizawa's hand and we walk to the buses, I count the students as they enter the bus, lastly Aizawa and I enter and sit next to each other at the front. The bus starts moving and we are on our way to a new adventure.

It has been an hour and we're still in the bus. We won't arrive until another house I think. The back of the bus is noisy. Aizawa is asleep and I'm talking to Midnight that's sitting in front of us. I can't really move because Aizawa is holding my hand and refuses to let go.
We're here, I have to wake Aizawa up. I put my other hand on his cheek and softly say:

Me: Shouta, baby wake up we're here

He's still sleeping so I shake him. He wakes up confused:

Me: Baby, we're here, wake up

I kiss him and stand up. He stands up and we walk out. We get our bags out and everyone goes to their dorms to settle down a bit and go to the bathroom. I'm in mine right now. Didn't change but I just attached my hair in a ponytail and rinsed my face. I was sitting on my bed until I hear a knock on the door. I open and Aizawa is in front of the door, staring at me:

Me: Hello, sweetheart, come in

He comes and sits on the bed

Aizawa: Do you like it here?

Me: Yes, it seems pretty cool. Did you sleep well on the bus?

Aizawa: Not enough

Me: Sorry for waking you up but I think the driver would've left.

Aizawa: You'll miss me right?

Me: very much. Come here

I open my arms and he hugs me. I put my hands behind his neck and start kissing him. I go down and start kissing his neck. Focusing on one particular spot I leave a hickey. I move away from him and say:

Me: Let's go eat?

Aizawa: Did you leave a hickey?

Me: Yes

Aizawa: Why?

Me: You know just marking my territory, anyway let's go

POV Aizawa

I'm beyond happy, Amara loves me. I can finally call her mine. The way she gives me nicknames makes me go crazy. I love her so much
Amara and I walk to the cafeteria, we sit down with the other teachers and start eating. Amara is casually talking but she's keeping her left hand on my leg, gripping It tightly. we finish eating and I follow her to her dorm. She sits down and I lay my head on her lap, we talk until it's time for us to leave. We spend the whole day in the mountains, walking around, talking, ,seeing around and reprimanding students who do stupid things. It was great spending time with her

To be continued

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