Part 4

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POV Amara

Today there's a new teacher at UA, Elias. He's from Senegal. We're both African that automatically makes us friends, he's a funny guy, I like him, he's cool. We were drinking coffee while talking, I hear the door open but I don't pay much attention to it. I continue listening to the story Elias is telling until I feel a presence, Aizawa. I could recognize his aura, he has this dark, tired, intimidating aura, it's like grey. I turn to see him, and look at him, he has the same hairstyle as yesterday which are the braids I made. He looks at me then at Elias and leaves. He's probably going back to sleep; he needs to sleep. I go back to my office and go on with my day.

The day is over, I'm now looking for Aizawa, I feel like he has been avoiding me the whole day. I find him outside the building about to leave, I call his name many times but he doesn't answer, I run to him and continue calling him. I finally reach him and put my hand and his shoulder, he turns around and in an angry voice screams:

Me: Who the fuck you think you're screaming at? Bitch 

I hate when people scream at me which is why I handle it by getting aggressive.
I go back home and change into sweatpants and a tank top, I run to my dance club and enter, the students are not here yet to I stretch and clean up a bit. They are here, we start stretching and warming up, today is the second week of training for this international competition, I'm not the type to compete but the kids insisted. I call them kids but they're teenagers, I love them though, they're like my children.
We agreed on a mashup of many songs all in one, it will be long but they can handle it. I don't practice much with them since I have to work during the day but I make sure to work hard when I have time.

It's now 7 pm, class ended an hour ago but I stayed to practice a bit longer. I walk home and start making myself dinner. I finish eating and my tired mind starts wandering, I end up thinking about Aizawa, I wonder what made him so angry, I probably offended him. I hate when people are mad at me. I go to the kitchen and start playing some music, I take out all the ingredients and make brownies since he appears to love them so much, I also make cookies for the others. I finish making everything and put the cookies in a cardboard box, I put the brownies in a Plastic container. If my strategy works then Aizawa is gonna have to give me the box back, so come over so talk to me. If he doesn't, well I'm probably an idiot which wouldn't really surprise me.

The next day

I woke up early, today I'm made sure to look good, not good like good good. My outfit is magnificent, eyebrows on fleek and the makeup is very simple but since I'm hot I don't need to do much. Yes, I'm a narcissistic person sometimes. I drive to UA and go to the teacher's room, I put the cookies on the table and goes to Aizawa's classroom, he's not here yet since I came pretty early. I put the box on his desk with a card saying

 « I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong. Here's some brownies. Hope you can forgive me. Have a great day
I Love you, Amara »

I did kind of confess in this letter but I'll hate to admit that I like him, kind of. I go back to the teacher's room and get a cup of coffee, I go back to my office and start cleaning up a bit while music is playing. I brought some book a few days ago, I put them on the shelves behind me, I clear my desk leaving only a bottle of water, some snacks, a box and tissues some the crying students. I also have a notebook, a few pens and my computer that I use to watch Netflix but the Principal doesn't know that. I start dancing around while cleaning up, these Afro beats do something to me. I'm having fun in my own world until I hear a chuckle behind me, I turn around to see Elias filming me:

Me: Boy if don't delete that I will delete you  

I try to take his phone but he puts it in his pocket before I could. Obviously he got an advantage since his quirk is super speed.

The new counselor Aizawa FFWhere stories live. Discover now