Part 15

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Today is the day of wedding. Well in like 2 hours. My suit is ready and well my hair, gone. My hair grew but I decided to keep it short, I'll get finger waves. I'm just chilling right now. I talked to the others, they're nice they haven't changed at all. I even talked a few times to Aizawa, he's cool, we're cool. I was in my bathroom doing my skincare routine when I heard someone enter my house. I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen ready to fight. I calmed down instantly when I saw it was Aizawa. I said:

Me: Hey, what are you doing here?

Aizawa: I wanted to ask -Oh my I'm sorry

He hid his eyes and turned around. Confused I looked at myself. Fuck, I'm in my underwear . I go back to my room and put on a silk robe. I go back to the kitchen and say:

Me: you can look now

He turns to me and looks at me:

Aizawa: I um I wanted to ask if you can do my hair. I mean you don't have to but I don't know how I should do my hair and you're good at styling my hair and no ones does it like you and-

Me: It's okay, calm down I don't bite. Yes I'll do your hair. Just let me get my products.

I go back to my bathroom and get a few hair products, my diffuser and a comb. I go back to the kitchen and Aizawa is shirtless sitting on the counter. Like the good old times. He lays down and I start doing his hair. Like I always did, massaging it and caring for it. I always liked playing with his hair, it was soft. I finished washing it so I dried it and after detangling I did his hair. I figured a half up half down would look great on him. After I finished everything and put my stuff back I asked:

Me: What do you think? Do you like it?

Aizawa: Yes, it's great. What do you think?

Me: I think it makes you look hot. You should put your hair in buns more often

Aizawa: Thank you for doing my hair

Me: No worries, you can call me anytime if you want a new hairstyle. I enjoy doing your hair

Aizawa: What are you going to wear to the weeding?

Me: A suit

Aizawa: Original, I'm sure it'll look good

Me: Hold on let me play some music

I start playing some African music, I mean I heard he likes it, plus the vibes are immaculate. We start having fun, singing and dancing in general. One particular song starts playing:

Aizawa: Is this Burna Boy?

Me: What you know about this?

Aizawa: He's good I like his songs

Me: So you into African music

Aizawa: I even learned a few moves

He start dancing, but I stopped him:

Me: What the? What the hell is this?

Aizawa: Dancing

Me: Hold on, you planned on dancing like that to the weeding?

Aizawa: Yes

Me: Ay, move aside let me show you how it's really done

I show him the moves and correct him when he's wrong. He finally mastered the basics:

Me: Glad you came. You would've made a fool of yourself with them moves

Aizawa: They weren't that bad

Me: You looked like you were having a seizure

Aizawa: You're being mean

He dramatically put his hand over his heart

Me: I would hate to see you make a fool of yourself. Plus if you dance well you might meet a cute Senegalese girl

Aizawa: Haha, it's time, to put on your suit

Me: Oh we still have an hour left

Aizawa: But it says we have to be there at 6 pm

Me: Sweetheart you've never been to an African weeding. People will be late. When they say 6 pm they mean 7:30. Go put on your suit and I'll prepare. You pick me up in 45 minutes. Is that okay with you?

Aizawa: Yes. Wait you want to go there together?

Me: Yeah that's why I asked you. Now go

He leaves and I go back to my room. I play some music while getting my suit out. I wear and it and start doing my hair and makeup.

POV Aizawa

This was an emotional roller coaster. First she comes in underwear, then she does my hair, and she was being so nice and funny the whole time. She showed me a few moves and she even called sweetheart. I was too happy for my own good, it felt too good seeing her and talking to her like before. I really hate myself for what I've done and I regret it. I swear on my life I'll never hurt her again. She doesn't deserve an ounce of sadness. I arrive home and look at myself in the mirror, I've really let myself go these past months. I start shaving and wash my face. I shower and out my suit on.

I finish dressing up and drive back to Amara's house. Like always she never keeps her door locked, it's a bad habit of her and I used to reprimand her for it. I enter and sit on the couch. I take my phone out and start playing games while waiting for her. She walked up behind me and asked "What do you think?" I turn around and my jaw drops. She looks wonderful in this suit, hugging her curves perfectly, she look flawless. The makeup was very light and simple but it still looks great. We were almost wearing the same thing but she had this confidence, this charisma that made everything look good. I struggled to answer:

Me: Y-you look great

Amara: Thanks you. You look very handsome, suits were made for you. Let me get my phone and we can leave

Me: Yeah sure, thanks

She goes back to her room and comes back shortly after, she takes my arms and we walk to my car. We drive and arrive 20 minutes later. We get out of the car and enter the place. There's a lot of people here. We see Mic and the other from afar. We walk to the and start talking:

All-Might: do you know where the bride and the groom are?

Me: Oh they'll make an entrance, in like 20 minutes

Mic: The suit looks great on you

Me: I know right

Midnight: Shota, I like the hair

Aizawa: Thanks, Amara did my hair actually

Me: Yup, I did that. I snapped though you got to admit that

Midnight: You did

We get drinks and some food and talk until the married couple arrives. This is when the real party starts, the music starts playing and we sing and dance like there's no tomorrow. The moves I showed Aizawa were useful because he was having the time of his life while everyone hyped him up. It was now time for us to leave it was really late, Aizawa was driving to my house. I think since it's late I'm going to ask him to stay the night.

I don't want him to leave.

To be continued

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