Part 17

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Today I'm very excited. I'm looking for a nice dress. Shota is taking me out to eat, he says he has something very important to tell me. I'm trying to decide which blue dress to wear. For some reason he asked me to wear blue, he said it looks better on me. I wrap my head with a scarf the same color of the dress. I put on heels and do my makeup and put on some gold jewelry.

I'm finally done and stressed. I need to make sure I look great. Flawless. It's perfect, I'm perfect. I put on some perfume and get my purse.

I went to the kitchen and checked myself one more time in the mirror

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I went to the kitchen and checked myself one more time in the mirror. Making sure I didn't have lipstick in my teeth or something like that. I looked good so I opened the door. Shota was waiting for me in front of the door. He was wearing a suit and his hair was in a bun. He looked handsome:

Aizawa: Hey darling. Ready to go?

Me: Ow look at you looking all handsome. Yes I'm ready to go

I put my arm around his and he drove to the restaurant keeping on his hand the steering wheel and the other on my thigh, I could sense that he was nervous but tried to hide it. We arrive at the restaurant, we sit on a table with a beautiful view on the beach, we order food and wine. We start eating while talking about random things. I felt someone staring at us so I looked around and saw a woman eyeing Aizawa. Of course I felt jealous but hid it. She stood up and I went to the bathroom.

While I was in one of the stalls I could hear her say:

Woman: So I just saw the hottest guy. The problem is he was having dinner with this woman, I swear she was ugly way out of his league. I might try and make a move on him

She hung up, I started washing my hands next to her. For fun I controlled water coming out of her faucet and soaked her. She got mad and I got close to her, slowly heating the water on her skin I said:

Me: I suggest you stay as far away from my husband unless you want me to boil you alive

She ran out scared, I went back to where I was sitting and continued eating with him. When we finished he payed and we took a walk on the beach, the sun was setting and I was barefoot. We were holding hands in silence, it wasn't awkward it was calming. He then turned to me and told me he had a surprised for me. He put a blindfold over my eyes and made me walk to this place.
He took the blindfold off and I saw a huge heart made with flower and candles, we were in the middle of it. He got on one knee and got a small box out of his pocket, he stared an long speech:

Aizawa: Amara, you are the most charming, inspiring, intelligent, powerful, generous woman I've ever met. You made me happy more than anything else, you taught me to things I never knew about and introduced me to a rich culture. You took care of me and loved me when I was going through a lot. I'm so thankful for everything you gave me and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Amara Keith Would you marry me and make me the luckiest man on this planet?

Me: Yes!

It was the only word I could pronounce; I was a crying mess. It was tears of happiness. He put the beautiful blue ring on my finger and hugged me. I was so happy but couldn't stop crying. We went home but in front of the door I noticed that my door was open even though I clearly remember locking it. Before Aizawa could noticed I used some air to quietly close the door. And told him:
Me: Let me shower, change and get some clothes and I'll sleep at your house. Alright?

Aizawa: Alright baby

He kissed my cheek and I went inside. I had my guards up and was ready to fight. I turned the light on and saw Dabi sitting on the couch, eating cookies:

Dabi: The cookies are good

Me: You fucker! There you are, you don't know how happy I am to see you

Dabi: Glad to hear that

Me: My boy today is your last day standing I promise you that. I will beat you so hard you'll meet Jesus

He put the box of cookies on the floor and stood up. I didn't lose time to control his blood. Putting him on his knees. His hands pinned over his head. He was shooting fire and burning things around him but it didn't affect me. I drained the energy out of him and transferred it to my body. I got behind him, holding his neck:

Me: I did the same to your friend and I'll make you never hurt anyone ever again.

At the same moment I see Aizawa run inside, he was panicking when he saw Dabi I put my hand in front of me:

Me: Shouta I have the situation under control stay where you are

Aizawa: He's dangerous

Me: I am too now shut the fuck up and let me do my job

I tried to focus but Dabi's raspy voice sounding like he has been smoking for breakfast, lunch and dinner made it impossible:

Dabi: Is this the lovely husband. Congrats

I froze water and use it as a mouth mask to make sure he shuts up. I put my finger on his neck and back and focus. I know it will drain my energy but I'm going to survive. I'm sick of having them on my ass. I find the source of the power and destroy it. He won't hurt anyone ever, I let go of him and he collapses, exhausted. The lack of energy might kill him but not me. I felt a bit weak. Aizawa caught me and asked:

Aizawa: Baby, are you okay?

Me: Of course I'm okay. Call the cops or the heroes or whoever and get this man out of my house.

I go my room and shower, I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top, I do my skincare routine and my hair. I got a few clothes and underwear in a backpack and took my shoes. I went to the living room and a bunch of hero's and the police is also here. I tell them:

Me: I erased his quirk for good. He won't be threat so put this motherfucker in jail. But before you do that

I got close to him, he was on his knees with handcuffs around his hands and the ice mask I put on him earlier. I kick him in the face and turn to the cops. They ask me what happens and if I'm okay and when everything is over Aizawa and I go to his house. We arrive there and I take my shoes off, I put my backpack on the floor and hugs Aizawa:

Aizawa: I got really scared when I saw him

Me: I trained a lot and I'm stronger now, I knew he wouldn't even be able to hurt me.

Aizawa: Also when you erased his quirk you told me it might kill you. I was so scared I might lose you

Me: Well I also pushed my limits, erasing someone's quirk is a piece of cake. Plus, I promised I'll never leave you. I'm a woman of my word

Aizawa:  Never?

Me: Never ever

He smiled and kissed me. He took his jacket off and shit escalated quickly (if you know, you know).

To be continued

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