Part 2

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POV Aizawa

Mic and I are at a table waiting for Amara, she's late, again. I don't really like her but Mic got mad at me saying I was mean and told me I should get to know her. 

Mic looks behind me and waves his hand. I turn around and see Amara, she just came. I can't deny the fact that she was beautiful, she was wearing jeans embracing her curves perfectly and an off shoulders blouse that she tucked in. She smiled and walked over to us. She said:

Amara: Hey guys, excuse my tardiness, punctuality is not in my DNA

Mic: It's all cool, let me get drinks.

Mic leaves and I'm now alone with Amara, she breaks the silence:

Amara: Aizawa, about earlier I'm sorry for calling you a homeless man. I didn't mean it. I mean you're pretty hot you just got on my nerves

Me: Thanks, I forgive you

Amara: Great, so we're good now. Wonderful

Mic arrives at the same time with some beer. Amara drinks very slowly, she probably doesn't like alcohol. 

She's actually fun to be around, she funny and bright but way funnier when drunk. 

There she is laughing uncontrollably, dancing and singing around with Mic. She comes to me and asks me to dance, I say no at first but she forces me out of my chair and starts dancing. I join her against my will, but it's kind of fun not going to lie. 

It's late now, we should leave. I take Mic who's completely wasted with me, weirdly Amara can walk straight, she's next to me. I put Mic in my car and turn to Amara, she tells me:

Amara: Take him home, I live close to here I'll be okay

Me: Are you sure?

Amara: Ill be in my office tomorrow like always, don't worry about me

She's leaves and start walking. I drive Mic and go back home, I fall asleep instantly.

POV Amara

I woke up the next day exhausted with a horrible migraine. I had some coffee and wore a very casual outfit which was sweatpants, a tank top and sneakers I took some coffee and went to school. I parked my car and went to the teacher's room, I entered and gave a cup of coffee to Aizawa who seemed more tired than any of us. I asked:

Me: Yo where's Mic?


Me: No, huh huh. I'm so tired I could die, I don't need you to scream in my ear, not today please

Mic: Sorryyyyy

Me: I'm going to my office

I go to my office, sit and start rethinking my life choices. I need a long, very long nap. I was dosing off until I hear someone slam my door, startled I opened my eyes: 

Me: Iida, thank you for making an appointment, what can I help you with?

Iida: I just wanted to say that I saw what you did on the news and it's very unprofessional and-

Me: No, first of all I have no idea what's you're talking about second of all I am too tired for your bullshit so turn your big ass around and get the fuck back to your fucking classroom. I'm not playing with you, now is not the moment to get on my nerves. Don't hit me up unless you're ready to open up about your obsessive-compulsive personality, characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfection, and control of relationships. And how you control your anxiety by shifting it into your thinking and then acting it out compulsively 

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