Part 6

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POV Amara

I wake up on my bed, weird I don't remember going home. I try to move but I can't, something is holding me. I look around and see that the something holding me is actually a someone. I'm in Aizawa's arms, not complaining though I feel warm. I take my time to look at him, he's so cute and peaceful when he sleeps. My gaze starts wandering and I end up staring at his lips, they're so soft, and pink. I wonder what it's like to kiss him. I look back at his eyes and they're open. Looking at me. He let's go of me and I sit up. I'm so happy I'm black otherwise I'd be blushing like crazy. I look back at him:

Me: Good morning

Aizawa: Good morning, did you sleep well?

Me: yup, you?

Aizawa: I slept well

Me: Let me go do my morning routine

I go to the bathroom and start playing some music, I take a shower and do my hair, I do my skincare routine and put some gloss on, I leave the bathroom and Aizawa is not here. I choose something pretty but comfortable, a pair of jeans a crop top will do. My piercing is showing, I like it. I put my shoes on and go to the kitchen, Aizawa is drinking some coffee on my table, he sees me and gives me a cup, I thank him and turn to the fridge:

Me: What do you want for breakfast

Aizawa: Oh I'm not hungry

Me: Sweetie I don't take no for an answer, an omelette will do, is that okay?

Aizawa: Alright

I take a few ingredients out of the fridge and start cooking I serve Aizawa his food and eat mine:

Aizawa: So like I saw you teaching at the dance club yesterday 

Me: Oh that explains 

Aizawa: The way you took some time to explain things to your students and the way you're close to them And make them feel better. It's very impressive, I can see you really like them

Me: Yeah I've been teaching them for a long time, they're like my kids 

Aizawa: I think you're an amazing teacher

Me: Oh, thank you so much. I can say the same about you, I know you're cold but on the low low you would die for them 

Aizawa: Tch

Me: Don't even try you know I'm right

We continue talking and laughing together, we finish eating and I put the plates in the sink, I take some gum and we take my car. During the ride I play some Afro beats, got to introduce friends to my culture. Aizawa seemed to enjoy it. I mean who doesn't like African music. We arrive at school, and go to the teacher's room, Elias and All-Might are arguing. Wondering why I get close and separate them:

Me: What is going on?

All-Might: Elias finished the coffee

Me: He what?! Elias why are you so stupid? Today is your last day standing I swear I will beat you like an African drum. This coffee was like the only thing I was looking forward to when coming here. 

I look at Aizawa

Me: Not the only thing but you get my point 

Elias: first of all, there would still be some if you haven't drank 5 cups yesterday 

Me: So it's my fault now!

Elias: You're the only one with a coffee addiction  

Me: Well.. okay you won I don't have anything to say

Elias: Period 

I go to my office but remember something, I go to Aizawa's classroom, he was doing some paperwork, I knocked and said:

Me: Can we talk?

Aizawa: Yes, come in

I sit in front of him:

Me: So like I noticed days ago you were kind of avoiding me and I though you were mad. So I don't know what I did but I'm sorry for offending you in any way. I just want to make sure we're on good terms 

Aizawa: I wasn't mad at you. It was just some stupid thing. But yeah we're good

Me: Great because I like you. I mean you're a good friend and I would hate to lose you for some stupid thing I did. Bye have a great day

I leave and go to my office. I'm so stupid I almost told him I liked him. I check my emails and see that the principal wanted me to go to this field trip with class A-1. Of course I'll go, it'll be a great occasion to get to know the kids and I'll be with Aizawa. It will be 4 days long. It's next month, today a few students took appointments so I talked to them, a few cried some ate. I feel bad for some, they have too much on their minds. The day is over, I go home and call Nicki:

Me: Hey bitch

Nicki: How are you?

Me: So like you know the guy I told you about?

Nicki: That one sleep deprived raccoon you like?

Me: First of all I'm the only one allowed to call him a raccoon and yes, so yesterday I was like exhausted from dancing and he picked me up and took me home, and stayed for the night

Nicki: REALLY?!

Me: On my mom

Nicki: Your crush sleeps over and I can't even get a text back

Me: You never told me who was yours though

Nicki: Well he's also African, his name is Elias

Me: You're lying!!

Nicki: No

Me: It can't be the same Elias who works at UA and has super speed

Nicki: You know him?

Me: This can't be a coincidence 

Nicki: The Gods have heard my prayers

Me: I'll hook you guys up. He's a good friend of mine

Nicki: You would do that for me?

Me: Bitch I would die for you. You know what, you should come over. 

Nicki: On my way, I'll be there in 30 minutes 

I hang up and start making snacks like a huge amount of popcorn, chocolate, ice cream and get Coca-Cola and lemonade. I get her some pyjamas sine she'll sleep over and my computer. 

To be continued

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