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The beginning of everything is the prettiest. The oblivion of the end keeps you in a protective bubble filled with hope and aspirations and that is a blessing. Starting something new can be quite scary but clean slates are quite enticing, it was the same for my relationship with Jide. The unexpected incidents in life turn out to be one of the best events in a person's life.

I had forgotten how intense the butterflies and giddy feeling could get, well I had only been in two relationships before I pressed the brakes on dating again. First one was with Chidi from secondary school, we dated from Ss1 till graduation, we were the school's love birds. There was something intriguing about those love notes we would exchange during lessons and those midnight calls we use to have, hiding and talking in hushed tones because we knew the minute our parents found out we would be in big trouble, I would have been in a much bigger trouble than him mostly because I am girl and girls are extremely guarded in Nigeria homes. Funny how the same woman who forbade me from speaking to boys was the one who never stopped smiling anytime Jide was around and he was always around except when work was too hectic.

The beginning of relationships are beautiful too majorly because the two people are working hard to not screw things up especially as it is new.

Jide: I'm pretty sure you casted a spell on me Ireti, me saying this definitely means you casted a spell on me.

He laughed, his laughter traveled through the phone caressing my ears, I liked the sound of his laughter a lot mainly because he rarely laugh.

Me: I really think you are the one who casted a spell on me, look at me grinning, hard guys don't do that.

He laughed again then exhaled, silence enveloped us the good kind of silence the one you enjoy, you and your favorite person listening to them breathing, nothing else matters at that point, just them.

Me: You should go to bed, you had a really stressful day, we both did.

Jide: I should, shouldn't I?

Ireti: Yes.

Jide: Goodnight Ireti.

Me: Goodnight Mr stern face.

Jide: Okay you need to stop calling me that, I smile more often now.

Me: Never.
I laughed.

Jide: Do you Miss Alabi, do you?

Me: I will Mr Oluitan, I will.

Jide: Bye.

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