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On Monday morning I woke up pretty early and made sure I didn't do anything that would screw my meeting that day. I opted for a more professional look since I was delivering my pitch to the client that morning. I wore a royal blue blazer and a black suit trouser with black heels.

"That was wonderful" my boss complimented after my presentation.

Did he just compliment me

"Thank you sir" I smiled, that was the first time he complimented me since he started working here six months ago.

"You are welcome"

"Guess who just crushed her presentation and is now in the boss's good book, this girl" I said pointing to myself .

"How do you even know you are in his good book, he gives the same stern look to everyone" ifeoma laughed

"Congrats Ireti, at least you don't have to work overtime anymore"

"Thank you Stan" I rolled my eyes at Ifeoma. "But I'm still working overtime though he couldn't just let me off the hook like that"

"Ooh I see" Stan replied.

"Where is Ogechi?" I asked.

"Over there" Ifeoma replied as Ogechi entered looking really strange. She wore a black turtle neck with long sleeves, she had a scarf draping down her neck. She was still wearing the black shades I saw her with the last time and she was wearing a bright red slippers.

"Ogechi are you alright? You look strange" Ifeoma asked puzzled.

"Do you still have Apollo?" I asked.

"Yes I do" Ogechi replied, limping to her seat.

"Do you know you are limping?" Stan asked concerned.

"Ogechi" I called, grabbing her arms.

"Ouch" she winced.

"Ogechi" ifeoma called.

"I fell that's why I'm limping"

"Why don't I believe you?" Stan asked. Dragging the scarf from her head, exposing her face.

"Jesus! Ogechi Who did this to you!" Ifeoma yelled.

Ogechi's cheeks were swollen and bluish purple because of her skin color it was obvious that somebody abused her physically.

"Ogechi did he do this to you?" Stan asked a bit furious.

"I'm fine" she replied.

"Take off your shades Ogechi" I commanded.

"I said I'm fine" she defended.

I moved towards her and snatched the shades from her. She had a black eye.

"Oh my goodness Ogechi, you didn't have any Apollo, you were hiding your black eye" I said shocked at the realization.

"Ogechi did he do this to you?" Stan repeated his question, half yelling.

"Ogechi how long has this been going on? Was it since the first time you put on a turtle neck? Oh my God, this long!. I should have known, you are not a fan of turtle necks you like to show a lot of skin"

"I really don't think this is anybody's business" Ogechi said in a low tone.

"Nobody's business? Ogechi have you seen your face cos your business is out here in the open and it's the color blue and purple" I commented.

"That's because you intruded" she fired.

"You are limping, you have a swollen bluish purple cheek and a black eye and you still talk to that man"

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