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I had been on earth for thirty years but it felt like I had only started living three weeks ago.

I was slowly becoming a simp and I loved every bit of it. I had seen guys mock their friends calling them simps, I always thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to a man but I came to realize that it wasn't. If anything, it was beautiful, scary but beautiful. Suppressing a feeling is hard, harder when it's an attraction. I had tried to suppress what I felt for Ireti till I couldn't anymore. It was suffocating. Expressing one's emotions is freeing but suppressing it is prisoning.

What I had with Ireti was amazing and I had just ruined it like every other amazing thing that had existed in my life.

The relationship domain was strange to me, I had never been in one and I never thought I would. The plan was to live everyday waiting for death with solitude my dearest companion. I had to adjust to sharing my space with someone else, it wasn't as difficult as I expected it to be because I wanted to stay glued to Ireti's side at all times.

I had made few mistakes since we started dating but those mistakes didn't seem to piss her off as much as this one. Few times she laughed at how clueless I was when I screwed up. This time, it was different. Worse, because I didn't know what my crime was.

From the conversation we had I could denote that she didn't want me to be friends with Sandra anymore but that was impossible. Sandra and I could not just stop being friends, she played a major role in my life and she needed me now more than ever. I could understand that she felt a little intimidated by her because of our past but Sandra and I ended the thing that existed between us a while back.

I was confused I didn't know what to do, I wasn't sure I should apologize because I didn't know what I would be apologizing for, besides the fight could mean that we were over and it could also mean that it wasn't and the longer both of us stayed idle, the more harm it could cause. I knew nothing about things like this so I decided to call someone who had a lot more experience than me.

Me: Ay

Ay: Jide

We greeted casually like we always did.

Me: Are you busy?

Ay: Not really, just adding finishing touches to my presentation for tomorrow. What's up?

Me: So I took your advice and told Ireti I liked her...

Ay: Hold up, you told her? When did this happen?

Me: About three weeks ago but that's...

Ay: Wow, wow.

Me: Ay can you please listen to me?

Ay: Okay.

Me: I think I messed it up and I don't even know how.

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