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He was leaning on the door, hands crossed waiting for my response. I blinked twice to snap myself out of the nightmare that was today.

"Sir I didn't see you there" I said in a shaky voice.

"That was because you were busy with your spectacular impression of me. Go on"


"You heard me, go on"

"There's nothing more to say sir" I said looking away from him. "I'm so sorry sir"

"If everyone was like you Miss Alabi, making stupid impressions of me then no one would get paid because there will be no work done, and when there's no work done, money does not come in and when money does not come in, you don't get paid. Do you understand this Miss Alabi?"

"Yes sir, I do" I replied with my eyes fixated on the tiles.

"I'm not sure you do cos if you do, you won't be be goofing around"

"I'm so sorry sir"

"Get back to work" he said in a very authoritative tone and walked out.

"Ify why didn't you tell me he was standing there?" I asked hitting Ifeoma.

"Ouch! Stop that.... I called you thrice but you were clearly enjoying your spectacular impression of the boss" she laughed

"I hate you Ify, I do"

"I love you baby" she said blowing a kiss.

"Knock knock, good morning everyone" Mike my colleague greeted

"Morning" we chorused

"Ireti the boss asked me to give you this, he said you need to finish the paperwork before closing hours" he said handing me some files

"Oh wow, it's not even closing hours, yet but my overtime just began" I sighed. placing my head on the desk.

"You are working overtime?" Mike asked.

"Apparently yes, with no payment"

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I missed a presentation for a client, at least I'm grateful I didn't get fired"
"Records show I'm one of the...." I tried mimicking the boss again but stopped midway he might be lurking in the hallway. I didn't want to add more work to my pile.
"Anyways I've to figure out a way to get them to sign with us"

"Oh that's bad" he sympathized.

"It'll teach her to take her job more seriously" Ogechi criticized.

"Like you take your job seriously" Ifeoma rolled her eyes.

"I mean I try" Ogechi boasted.

"I'm gonna run now" Mike said heading out.

"Thank you"

"Where do I even start?" I complained, glancing at the files.

"I would have helped but I got some errands to run" Ogechi said

"Nobody asked for your help, selfish prick" I muttered

"I'll assist you" Ifeoma laughed.

"Obviously" I stated.


I got home 20 minutes past 8, that day. Two hours later than my usual closing time.

"Ekurole mummy, ekaso daddy" I greeted as I entered.

"Welcome my dear" my daddy responded

"Ah ahn Omo mi, I tried calling you but your phone was switched off. Why did you stay this late?"

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