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As I waited patiently for Ireti in the lobby, I had wondered if my confession would make her view me in a different light other than her stern boss. She looked pretty startled when I summarized my awful life with no emotions attached. When you grow up in a family like mine emotions become foreign to you. She was the second outsider to get a glimpse of my dysfunctional family. First was Sandra, my friend and course mate.

Ireti finally decided to come down and there was something different about her when I looked at her. Was it the dress, the new knowledge she had about me or her as a person, I couldn't pin point. We locked eyes for a minute before I quickly looked away. When she reached my side we locked arms and strolled to the hall hosting the ball.

"Wow, this is really beautiful" Ireti muttered.

It was indeed beautiful. Mrs Obong, the founder of the peace foundation really outdid herself once again. All the big names in the business world attended the ball not just for the generous donations but because the ball housed potential investors and every business man was always on the look out for investors. If you were just starting out in the business world, the ball was the right place to be.

The lighting was perfect and gave a solemn feel, red and white fabrics hung from the ceiling taking their stand in all four corners of the hall. The furniture was amazing and the round table setting was superb.

Ireti and I found solace in one of the round tables, east side of the hall, where the ushers in black and white directed us to sit.

Later on, I spotted my brother alongside a short slender ebony woman, whom I assumed was Kobiro, his Fiancee, walking towards us.

"Hey bro" he greeted, shaking my hands.

"How far now" (how are you) I returned his greetings.

"I'm alright, I'm alright"

"Good evening" Kobiro greeted.

"Yes, this woman right here is my dream girl. The love of my life" he introduced Kobiro, drawing her closer to his chest with a big smile plastered on his face as he glanced at her. He seemed mesmerized by her.

"Nice to meet you, Kobiro. I've heard so much about you" I said giving her a slight hug.

"It's so nice to finally put a face to the name. You are indeed your father's son. The resemblance is striking, I'm guessing you are more of a daddy's boy than Ay is" she replied grinning.

My face lost it's composure as I hated being compared to the man who didn't even think I was his son.

Ay noticed and nudged her "Babe"

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"  she asked, reading the tone of the room.

I could tell she was a really nice person and she had no knowledge of the bad blood that existed between my father and I. Ay was probably just shielding her.

"No you didn't, I'm indeed my father's son" I flashed a smile to make her feel comfortable. She returned the smile.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Kobiro asked referring to Ireti.

"What!" Ireti choked on her drink.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" Kobiro rushed to her side.

"Yes I'm fine" she replied.

I rolled my eyes at her.

Why is she so uptight.

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