Chapter 30

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“She's your mother Karlie, and you only get one. No matter how angry you are at them, no matter what. She's still your mother. I know she's made some very bad decisions. But Karlie you have to give her a chance.” I said.

 “You don't have to be angry. It's ok if you are. But you can't let the anger consume you. Because if you do, it'll devour you. It's eat you up, and you'd be chewed up, and spit out, and left alone, cold and broken. Anger is only good when motivated toward the good. Because really anger is just hurt set on fire.” Ka'Diah said out the blue.

 I didn't even know she was listening. Karlie looked at Ka'Diah and Ka'Diah looked right back at her.

 “But don't you remember Ka'Diah? You remember what she did? She's a monster. You know this.” Karlie said.

 “God forgives, and you should too. Grandma said before she died, forgiveness is a strength many people do not have. Forgiveness does not mean you're weak but it says I'm strong enough to let go and move on. You can't be mad forever Karlie.” Ka'Diah said.

Karlie frowned in confusion, shook her head, and picked her pencil back up. She began to do her homework again.

 “Be like that then.” Ka'Diah said looking away.

I sighed, Lord help these children.

The next day, Karlie was really mad at Ka'Diah, she didn't even say good morning. Ka'Diah knew this, and she ignored it. I figured they were just having sisterly feud. It happened all the time with Nikki and me. We'd go days mad at each other but eventually we'd be right back friends. It'll be fine.

So I sent the kids off to school. But I kept Camden home because he was a bit sick this morning, extremely fussy, and just wasn't feeling it. So I kept him home with me. We spent the whole day in the house. I had just laid him down for a nap.

My cell phone rang.

“Hello.” I said walking down the steps.

 “Hey love.” Christina said.

“Oh hey babe what's up?” I said sitting down on the couch. Christina was out of town. Her and the band has some shows in like three different nearby cities. She'd be home tomorrow though.

“Oh nothing just thinking about you. I miss you.” Christina said.

“I miss you more baby. How have the shows been?” I asked.

“Just lovely. We sold out every show.” Christina said.

“That's awesome. I'm happy for you. Have you been eating right?” I asked in reference to her diabetes.

 “I have. My sugar has been good. I been a real good girl.” Christina laughed.

 “Good, keep it that way.” I said.

 “How are you and the kids doing?” Christina asked.

 “We're good. Ka'Diah and Karlie are having a bit of a disagreement. But they'll be fine. Camden stayed home from daycare today. He wasn't feeling well. He was fussy, and irritated.” I said.

 “Aw Karlie and Ka'Diah still at it. They'll work it out, sisters always do. But my poor baby Camden. Is he feeling any better?” Christina asked.

 “Yeah he is, maybe he was just tired, and needed a break or something. But he should be able to go back to daycare tomorrow. Nothing too major” I said.

“That's good to hear. I can't wait to get back home. I miss you so much.” Christina said.

 “I've missed you more. I can't wait to see you either.” I said.

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