Chapter 18

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“Now look at you. Running in the rain, and now you mad you got wet.” Agatha said drinking some of her Vodka.

“Ain’t this a bitch.” I said taking my hamburger patties off cause they were done.

“So now what?” Agatha said

“Nothing.” I said.

“What you mean nothing?” Agatha asked.

“I’m not fucking calling her. No I’m not going back. After what I did Aggie, you really think she wants to see me. Girl I been ignoring her text and calls for days now, and plus I been pretending she nonexistent in my life. I have dogged her out completely. No way am I going back. Nope.” I said.

“Oh my gosh, you prideful little egotistical little brat! You serious Kay? You so fucking proud, you can’t admit that you were wrong? Really now? Are you fucking kidding me?” Agatha said hyped.

“Please calm the fuck down. No Aggie. No I’m done. I can’t go back. I won’t go back. No I’m too far gone. I have to let this go. It has nothing to do with pride. It’s just I simply rather not.” I said raising my voice.

 “Oh my God! Oh my God! Kay I could fucking choke you right now. Are you serious? We had a breakthrough. This is it. I know you miss Christina! I know you do. You can act like you King Heartless or whoever. But I see you Kaliya. I see you. And you miss her, and I wish you would tell me you didn’t. I’m begging you. Please look me in my eyes, and tell me you don’t miss her. How many nights have you spent crying over her? How often does she cross your mind? And if you so over her over, then why the hell is she still your background?” Agatha said picking my phone off the cabinet, and flashing me my screen.


I began to set the table, the shit was getting too real.

 “Oh ok so you just gonna ignore me now. Ok well at least I get the pleasure of knowing that I’m right.” Agatha said.

 I sighed heavily. Soon I called the kids for dinner, we sat down and we ate. Agatha had the kids cracking up, she could be such a kid sometime. They actually liked Aggie, she always kept them laughing over the silly stuff she did.

Once dinner was over, the kids in bed, and Agatha gone home, it was just me and my thoughts again. I stared at my phone. Maybe I should call, and at least talk. I mean it never hurt to just listen. Then again I don’t know. Maybe not.

I wrestled with the thought of it all, all night long.

 The next day I was working. I was tired, cause I couldn’t sleep for all the thoughts I was having last night. I was so tired, and paying dearly for it now. I yawned as I pushed my cart down the halls.

 “Nurse Jefferson.” someone called.

 I turned around to see one of my co-workers. Her name was Paula Davis, and she was the head nurse here at the mental facility.

“Yes Nurse Davis” I said.

 “You’re needed at the pharmacy.” she said.

 “Ok thanks.” I said headed to the pharmacy.

 “Yes Toni.” I said now at the pharmacy,

 “Hi Kaliya. Is Leanne Wooten your patient?” Toni asked. That was my patient. Leanne Wooten was a woman who was severely depressed. Had attempted suicides twice in the last year. She mostly laid in bed all day, and just stared. She hated bathing, changing clothes, she didn’t want to eat or anything. Instead she just liked to lay in bed, and stare blankly at walls in dark rooms.

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