Chapter 32

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*Christina's POV Ends*

*A week later*

 I woke up in a room with bright lights and something in my mouth. My eyes darted back and forth as I looked around confused. The last thing I remember is being some grungy cabin somewhere reaching for Camden. I reached for whatever was in my mouth. It felt like a breathing tube or something.

“Ms. Jefferson, can you hear me Ms. Jefferson?” someone said. I couldn't really see my vision was blurred.

What I could see was some old White dude with bushy eyebrows.

“She's awake. Ok Ms. Jefferson just hold on a second, we're gonna remove the ventilator.” he said. I laid back, and soon a nurse came and removed my ventilator. I began to breathe easy but it felt weird since a machine had been breathing for me for so long. I looked around, and I still couldn't see too much of anything.

“Hi Ms. Jefferson. I'm Dr. Winston, I've been caring for you since you've been in a coma. You have been in a coma for just about a week now.” he said writing some stuff on the clipboard.

“Ms. Jefferson I'm gonna exam you, and ask a few questions just to see if everything woke up alright.” he said. I nodded. He did his exam, and asked me basic questions. After he finished I needed to know some things myself.

“Dr. Winston where's Camden? He was with me last I remember. Where are the children?” I asked.

“Oh yes the nurses left me a note as to what to tell about the children. Let me see here.” he said flipping through his clipboard.

“Ah yes here it is. It says here that the children were released into the temporary custody of a Ms. Christina Loveless. It seems the courts went by a plan your mother who's now deceased left that you never changed.” Dr. Winston said. I sighed in relief, at least I know they're safe.

It felt like I had just woken up from a nightmare, but it wasn't, it was so real. The doctor did further examination, and it seemed like I was perfectly fine, just really beat up, and in need of some time to heal.

My whole body hurt. My face hurt, just everything hurt. I was pretty sure I looked like a monster by now. Everything hurt so bad though. I still couldn't believe this happened to me. I shook my head as I thought. I was really happy to be alive, and to be here but I still couldn't believe I been through what I have. My face was throbbing. I reached up and touched my face, and winced at the pain. I touched it more gently, and I could just feel how swollen up and bruised it was. I had to see myself for myself. I slowly pulled the bed table to me, and pulled out the pop out mirror that the bed table contained.

I positioned the mirror, and looked with my blurry vision. I was frightened by my own damn reflection. One eye was swollen just about shut, the other red and inflamed. My face was covered in hues of black, purple and blue. The skin under my left eye was broken. I looked like a battered housewife, or a disrespectful ho who just got they ass kicked by their pimp. I looked down, and raised my gown slowly. Just like my face, my whole body was covered in bruises and torn skin.

I could no longer stand the sight of myself. I pushed the table and away, and pulled down my gown. I heard someone come into the room. I turned and looked, couldn't see all that good.

“Oh my God baby, you're really awake!” Christina squealed. My heart raced, it seem like it had been forever since I last seen her. I missed her.

“I missed you so much!” Christina said hugging me tight.

“I missed you too.” I said

“I'm so glad you're up. Oh my gosh Kaliya, you had me so scared.” Christina said giving me a kiss. She kissed my monstrous looking face, now I know it's real.

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