Chapter 17

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Work continued on, the week continued on, and I was still so damn hurt. Christina texted and called me a thousand different times each and every day. She didn’t come over, cause when she did I would threaten to call the cops if she didn’t leave off my property. She would stand outside by the fence that separated our yard each and every morning cause she knew I’d be out getting the kids on their buses or whatever.

 She would beg me to talk to her, and I pretended I couldn’t even see her. I was sick of her. I wanted her out my life. She hurt me, and anybody who hurt Kaliya Jefferson was erased out my life for good. I didn’t believe in second chances. If you fucked up once, then you’d fuck up again, so what was the use.

I was a miserable ass mess I swear. Even the kids started to pick up on my misery. They didn’t like it, and they started asking why Christina didn’t come around anymore. I just told them Christina was very busy with her own life, and didn’t have much time to hang.

 It hurt their feelings I could see it in all of their eyes. Which hurt me even more because I truly did want them to be the happiest kids on the block or at least close. Anyway speaking of the children, they were now all in therapy.

 Dr. Gordon was working diligently with each and every one of them. She told me to get Ka’Diah sketch pad. She told Ka’Diah has a voice but doesn’t know how to use it. She often expresses herself through the written word, and hand drawn pictures.

 Ka’Diah was to turn in the journal to Dr. Gordon once every two weeks. It was working like magic. Ka’Diah kept it with her everywhere she went. She even slept with it under her pillow at night. I often found her writing or drawing intently in her journal. I didn’t disturb her. I let her let it all out. She filled the whole book up in two weeks. I caught glimpses every now and then. She drew a lot of pictures, and filled pages with words. Like she wrote so much to a point where you couldn’t even hardly see the paper anymore, just words.

I guess it was working because Dr. Gordon continued it. However Charles wasn’t progressing as fast as Ka’Diah. He didn’t like to write. He didn’t like to draw either. I mean he knew how to write or whatever, he just didn’t express his self in that manner.

Every since I broke up with Christina, it’s like my whole world just collapsed, and it was just building back up. Domino effect just one slip, and we all fall down. It was depressing. I was sad.

 I missed Christina, I missed her so much. But I couldn’t no matter how hard I try find myself to get back with her. One part of me wanted her back so bad. To forgive all her wrongs. To forget all that she did. Yet another side said fuck her, she ain’t shit, and I’ll never deal with her again.

 I was so torn up and so sad. This was fucked. We had a good thing going, and she fucked it up. Damn.

 Anyway it was Thursday afternoon, and I was at work. Lately I’ve had extra time on my hands. I had started picking up extra shifts at work. I use to work three days a week, now I was pushing five.

 It was crazy, like work was my escape now. I didn’t do full twelve hours, I just picked up a few extra hours here and there. You would think I lost my mind but, I didn’t I just had so much time on my hands. And sitting at the house, knowing Christina is next door was killing me. I couldn’t do it so I worked. I worked like a fucking dog to keep my mind busy, and usually I was too tired to be sad.

“Kaliya, please go home. Although I adore seeing your pretty face everyday. Baby you looking tired, and I need you to go home and rest those pretty little eyes for me just one good time.” Toni said. I smiled.

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