Chapter 7

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I wasn't ready. But I said ok to there being an us, and I somehow forgot being us means dating, touching, kissing, loving. How could I be so foolish?

"Uh ok" was all I could say.

"You ready?" Christina said flashing me a sexy ass smile. Hell yes I'm ready!

"I'm ready." I said. Christina leaned forward, and our lips touched, and I can't even explain what I was feeling. My stomach filled with butterflies, and my heart raced, and it was an adrenaline, heart thumping, blood pumping all out body rush. She took my fucking breath away. Damn this could girl kiss like no other for real. She had me so hungry for more, and then she pulled away. Wow!

Christina looked at me, and smiled, and I was still trying to catch my breath. I exhaled, and I felt amazing.

"You didn't have to stop." I said finally able to breathe.

"Trust me I didn't want to but the kids are coming." Christina said just as the kids' bus stopped at the end of the block.

"Aunty Kay you won't believe what I learned today" Karlie said running up the steps. I smiled; she was always so excited to tell me whatever it is she learned at school.

"What's that?" I said.

"Plants eat sunshine!" Karlie blurted out excitedly.

"Wow really. How do they eat sunshine?" I asked. She began to explain the whole process to me with great enthusiasm. She was so descriptive, it was great.

"Amazing right?" Karlie said.

"Absolutely!" I said agreement.

"Oh hi Christina!" Karlie just now noticing Christina.

"Hey pretty girl" Christina said.

Charles stepped forward. He was so quiet, I almost forgot he was here.

"Hi Charles" I said. He gave me a slight wave.

"You had a good day today" I asked. He nodded his head yes. I wish he would talk to me.

"Charles don't you have a field trip coming up. You better let Aunty Kay sign it or else you can't go" Karlie said. Charles quickly took off his Ninja Turtles backpack, and pulled out his yellow class folder. He handed it to me.

I opened it, he had a good day. Good conduct, no misbehavior. I found the permission slip.

"Art museum. Interesting" I said reading the permission.

"Here" Karlie said handing me a blue ink pen from her backpack. She was always two steps ahead of me no matter what.

I filled out the permission slip, when I would in the house, I'd get the money for his ticket.

"Aunty Kay can we have pizza for dinner tonight" Karlie said as we went in.

"No not tonight, actually we're having spaghetti" I said.

"Gross, I like pizza better" Karlie said.

"Spaghetti is good too Karlie" I said.

"Maybe a little" Karlie said.

Anyway so the day went by, before I knew it, everyone was in bed, and I was up as normal. Christina was here, and getting wine from the kitchen.

"Don't you have a show tonight?" I asked as she sat two wine glasses down on the coffee table.

"No not tonight. This weekend will be busy though." She said sitting next to me.

"Have you always been performer?" I asked.

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