Not A New Chapter But Please Read Anyway

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Hello Friends, Fans, Readers Alike,

Ok so I know I haven't updated in like two almost three weeks. Oh I know I'm a terrible person, and I shouldn't keep y'all waiting like this. My apologies really. But the thing is I've started a new job.  My work hours are crazy, and it's a lot going on in my personal life.  I don't know if I told you all this but I've had a death in my family recently, that blew everything out of proportion. I'm not making excuses, I'm giving facts and reasons as to why I haven't updated.  I posted a message to my message board a few days ago. And it's really clear now that nobody reads my message board.  Which is quite tragic for real cause I explain everything on there. But this seems to get everyone's attention better, so I guess I'll just keep doing this till whenever.   Anyway I just wanted to post a few words up here, and let you all know what was going on. I didn't forget this time, I just been crazy busy with life and everything that comes with it. Oh wait before I go. I have a few questions for you all.  I almost forgot. So listen, well read this.  Ok so you all  know Learning to Love is coming to a close right? Like I think we have less than five chapters, and I'm done. I think three more chapters, and I'm done. And I can not say this enough. There will NOT be a sequel to Learning to Love! Let me repeat that, just in case you missed it. NO SEQUEL! NO SEQUEL! NO SEQUEL!  No man, no ma'am, no sir, no God! When I close Learning to Love, that's the literally the end. Seriously. I got a thousand other stories that I wanna right, and I won't ever write them if I keep dragging out the same story.  I'm super duper glad you enjoyed the story, and I really do appreciate the love. But sorry no sequel. Anyway so I wanna ask you guys some questions.   So I figured one way for me to stray away from such emotionally intense stuff, is to go back to high school?  I've writte two high school dramas (A Portrait of Love 1 & 2 and Just Be Free).  Now both of them even though they were both in high school were still pretty intense. But I was thinking I could mellow it down a bit, and it still be really interesting and way more fun. I mean high school was fun phase for some people in life. It was for me. Even though I hated it, I still had a good  time.  So I was thinking of going back to high school.  I been on a grown and sexy tip for a lil minute now.  But what do you all think? Do you like high school stuff better or would you rather dive into some more of this grown & sexy stuff?   Cause I have stories for both, either way it go, it's up to you guys.  So comment below!  Let me know what you think. Should we remain grown & sexy or should we go back to high school daze?  Please please please comment below, and let me know what you think.

So I think I'm gonna go and try to finish up Learning to Love right now. And hopefully I'll be pushing out a new chapter by I say Tuesday, no later than Wednesday.  Be on the lookout for that. Again my apologies for not updating. I hope you all know that your patience with me is so appreciated, and I really thank you all for it. Please continue to be patient, and thank you so much. I really appreciate it.  Don't forget to comment below!  Grown & Sexy or High School Daze? Your pick! Let me know which you like best below! So comment!  COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!!  Thank you all so much for reading this! I really appreciate! Also if you have any other questions, comments, concerns, or points of clarification than please don't hesitate to comment below or message me! Which ever you chose! I'll respond either way! SO thank you so much for reading this! I really do appreciate it! Please comment below and thanks again.

With Love,


p.s I FREAKING HATE THIS NEW WATTPAD LAYOUT!!! It's soooo freaking annoying! OMG! I hate it! Wattpad be messing up for real! OMG! I hate it. Sorry but this new layout bugs me.

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