Chapter 12

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“Oh Aunty Kay, I get so nervous every time you leave” Karlie blurted out.

I looked at her surprised.

“Why?” I asked.

 “It doesn’t matter why. I just do.” Karlie shrugged.

“Just tell me why Karlie. You always do this to me. You start to speak, and you stop. It’s ok Karlie, you can tell whatever you feel. I won’t get upset, or angry. I’ll listen. I always listen to you right?” I said.

 “Yeah and I like that about you. You’re always listening. You even listen to Charles, and he doesn’t even talk to you. But you’re always hoping he will.” Karlie said.

 “See. So go ahead say what you were going to say.” I said.

Karlie looked around hesitantly.

 “Well it’s just when people leave, they sometime have hard times coming back.  Like mommy, she use to leave. And, and she’d be gone for days. She left us all alone. And that day grandma left, she never came back. Nobody ever came back.” Karlie said looking at me. For Karlie to be so young, her eyes could get so intense.  I sighed heavily. I sat beside her on the bed.

 “Karlie baby listen to me. Things are different now. I know it’s hard to trust people, especially after so many have let you down. Even it was intentional. A let down, is a letdown no matter what. But try to hear me out ok.  I’m here to stay. Like an annoying fly that won’t go away. Or like a cat that feed you one time, but it always seems to come back. I’m here to stay. I’ve always come back. I’m here every morning you wake up, I’m here every night when you go to sleep. I haven’t left. I’m not going to either.” I said looking her in the eyes.

She searched my face for I don’t know, probably sincerity. It was there.

“You pinkie swear?” Karlie said sticking out her pinkie. I hadn’t done of these in years.

“Pinkie swear.” I said hooking her pinkie. Karlie smiled satisfied as we shook on it.

“Now you know if you break this promise, I get to chop your pinkie off” Karlie said.

“That’s kind of brutal, but yeah I understand.” I said.

“Cool.” Karlie said.  Someone else knocked on the door.

“Come in” I said. The door slowly opened, and in walked Charles.

 He sat beside his sister on the bed, and looked at her, then at me.

 “What?” I said.

 “No worries Charles, she pinkie swore to come back or else we get to cut her pinkie off.” Karlie said like mission accomplished.

 He narrowed his eyes on me. Was he giving  me a side eye look? Seriously?

 He slowly reached over his sister, and stuck his pinkie out to me.

 “I have to pinkie swear again?” I said.

“I  mean we have to be sure.” Karlie shrugged.

“Dang ok. Pinkie swear to you too Charles.” I said hooking pinkies with him.

 “Ok so are we cleared? Can I go or nah?” I said.

Karlie and Charles both nodded yes.

 “Cool.” I said getting up.

 “Aunty Kay what are you wearing? Is it a pretty dress like last time?” Karlie asked. I clenched my robe tight.

“Umm not entirely. It’s a little different this time.” I said.

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