Chapter 15

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“Why wasn’t something done? Where was CPS?” Christina asked. 

“CPS didn’t act until Karlie and Charles were hospitalized the second time.  I don’t know why they didn’t do something sooner.” I said flicking on my turn signal, and making a right. 

“That’s so sad. How could people be so cruel?” Christina asked. 

“I don’t know. It’s crazy. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe rather. Charles use to talk, he stopped, they beat him silent. Ka’Diah was never vocal but I just really think she got a voice.” I said 

“I’m sure she does.  I think in due time Kaliya, she’ll speak to you. And so will Charles. I just think they need time.” Christina said. 

“I fully agree, that’s why I’m waiting patiently.” I said as I turned on Agatha’s street. 

“Kaliya.” Christina said. 

“Yeah?” I said. 

“I’m glad they have you.  You’re good for them. I know you didn’t want this at first. You didn’t wanna be bothered really. And that’s understandable, it’s a lot I know. But seeing you actually come around, you just genuinely caring for them. That says so much about you. It says you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.  You’re more caring than you care to admit. You’re amazing.” Christina said. 

She doesn’t understand how good she made me feel.  I couldn’t help but smile. 

“Thanks, that was so nice of you to say Christina.” I said smiling at her as I pulled into Agatha’s driveway. 

As we got out the car, I decided to do a quick mirror check.  

“Ma, come on, you look beautiful. We’re already late.” Christina said from the passenger’s side window. 

“Fine.” I said putting the sun visor back up. I grabbed the bottles of wine from the backseat, and stepped down out my truck. 

“Wow, she has a nice home.” Christina said looking at Agatha’s three story traditional American style stone home. Agatha did have a nice house. Huge front lawn that she kept up well. Nicely trimmed bushes lining the outside of the house. Flowering vines growing up the side, to give you that down home feeling. 

“You won’t believe how many houses we went through to find this place.” I said. 

“You helped her house hunting?” Christina asked. 

“Yep, and I’ll never do it again. We spent three whole months searching for her a place.  I mean it was ridiculous. But I thank God when she found this place and fell in love with it. I was so tired of looking at houses and going  to all these different neighborhoods, it was crazy.” I said as  we began to walk the stone steps which were lined with blooming flowery, and greenery. 

“This is a lot of steps especially in these heels. But I do admit it’s nice view back here.” Christina said mischievously. 

“Don’t be nasty. Such a flirt, stop.” I giggled as we made it to the final step. 

I rang the doorbell, Christina stepped beside me. 

The giant mahogany door with a giant hand carved sun & moon together. Which was really interesting to look at, and gave the house this good vibes feel. 

“Oh my gosh you guys made it! Hi, hey, hello! Come on in! So good to see you both!” Agatha said over excitedly.  

“Hi! Hey!” Agatha said pulling us both into  a big hug. 

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