Chapter 2

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It was crazy that I was having this realization now. But like it was just hard for me to open up to people. I never got too close to nobody because I hated to be vulnerable and open about stuff. I liked to handle my struggles my way. Fight my own demons with my own damned sword.

It's been like that since I was younger. I think it all started when my dad committed suicide when I was thirteen.

My dad was suffered from Bipolar Disorder. Most days it was contained due to meds he took. So most days he was ok. Some days though he'd have an episode where he was unbelievably depressed, and he'd lock himself in a room, and cry for hours. Just cry his heart out. Other days he'd be angry for no reason, and lock himself in his tool shed, and

tear it apart. When he got super angry, he'd go into the woods, and start chopping wood, and cursing like a maniac. Tear bark off of trees with his bare hands till his fingers were bloody. Then sit by the tree bloody hands and all, and cry.

Then he killed himself when I was thirteen. Said he couldn't take another day of this, and that he would never ever be good enough for nobody. Hung himself from a tree. That hurt, and I never trusted nobody ever again. Happened thirteen years ago, but I remembered it like yesterday. and it still hurt like it happened yesterday too.

"Kaliya, are you ok?" Christina said touching me.

I stepped back, please don't touch me.

"I'm fine" I said swallowing hard.

"I'll help load them up, I just want to see them off" Christina said. She wasn't letting up.

"Fair enough" I said reluctantly.

Charles, and Karlie headed to the car, with their mutt. I was finna go till I realized Ka'Diah was still over there smiling at flowers.

I didn't even know if she knew her name or not. I wanted to call her but I wasn't sure if she'd know I was talking to her or what. What do you do to get her to come along?

"Ka'Diah come on sweetie, let's go now" Christina said to Ka'Diah, Ka'Diah looked at her and smiled that same smirk she'd been flashing all day. She stood to her feet. Christina, dusted dirt off of her skirt, and lead her out. I couldn't see how this was going to work. My mom had to be like tripping on some other shit, when she did this shit. I sighed heavily and headed to the truck.

This is fucked up! I can't believe this shit! I shook my head like this was unbelievable.

Christina loaded the children in my truck, and the dog in the back. She hugged and kissed them goodbye, gosh they really liked this woman.

"Christina I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here with you at grandma's house. Please, I'll be really good I promise" Karlie pleaded.

Christina smiled coolly.

"No baby I can't. Your grandma wants you with Kaliya for a reason. It may seem terrible now, but I promise it'll get better. Just give her time" Christina said. Karlie frowned, and gave Christina a long hard stare. Then she softened her face, and nodded.

"See ya later Christina" Karlie said simply defeated.

I walked around to the other side, to buckle Camden in.

I reached over Charlie, and buckled Camden in.

I hopped in the driver's seat, and buckled my seatbelt.

"Kaliya, could I talk to you for a second" Christina said walking over to the driver's side.

I sighed irritated, at this point in the game I was just ready to go home. I just wanted to get up out of here. I swear that's all I wanted to do.

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