Chapter 5

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"No I gotta go. Yeah whatever. Bye" Christina said hanging up which seemed very abrupt.

"Christina! Christina! There's a clown" Karlie squealed.

Christina exhaled, and smiled. Damn she switched up quick.

"Yeah look he's juggling" Christina said pointing to the clown who was juggling colorful balls.

"Aunty Kay can we go ahead" Karlie urged.

"I'll walk with them if you want me to" Christina offered.

"Sure go ahead" I said. So Christina took Charles and Karlie, as I gathered Camden's baby bag and stuff.

"Come on Ka'Diah" I said. She followed behind me as we walked.

I got to the park, and sat under the gazebo. It was sunny but a few clouds overcast. I looked and saw all the children running and playing about. They all seemed to be have a good time. I spotted Christina helping Karlie and Charles play a game. From the looks of things, the party seemed to be carnival/circus themed. Clowns were performing, handing out balloons, and making balloon animals or whatever. There was a magician doing magic tricks, a few performed were on unicycles juggling in all types of funky outfits. They had face painting, airbrush tattoos stands set up. It was a lot going on to be honest.

But everyone looked to be having a good time. Except me, I just wanted to go home. Ka'Diah sat next to me, and she seemed really intrigued by a woman riding a unicycle juggling colorful balls.

She was really entertained. This sucked, I had more fun at work.

I sat and watched the kids play and enjoy themselves. They were having a blast. They even had moon bounce here, the kids really loved those. I was happy to see them so happy.

"Kaliya, do you want me to get Camden so you can enjoy the festivities" Christina asked sitting beside me.

"Nah I'm straight" I said.

"You sure, airbrush tattoos are a pretty big hit" Christina joked. I smiled some.

"Nah I'm straight. Thank you though" I said.

"Aunty Kay! Aunty Kay! Can Ka'Diah and me get matching face paints" Karlie said popping up of out nowhere. I jumped, she startles me.

"Umm I guess if she wants to" I said.

"Come on KD, face tattoos!" Karlie said tugging at Ka'Diah's arm. Ka'Diah smiled, stood up and followed Karlie.

"I'm gonna go over with them" I said standing up. Camden was so heavy.

"Oh fat daddy I be glad when you start walking, crawling or something" I said. He laughed like I was playing or something.

"Mmmhmm!" Christina said.

"Huh? What?" I said looking at her. She think she slick but I caught her booty watching me and shit. Camo pants had me looking too thick.

"I what? I didn't umm I didn't say anything" Christina said. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You ain't slick" I laughed walking off. I went to the face painting, and airbrush stands.

Ka'Diah and Karlie were in the seat getting their faces painted. Two white ladies who kind of resembled hippies stuck in the wrong era were painting their faces. The both wore these long oversized pastel colored pants one pastel orange, the other a cool blue. They both wore beanie caps to match the pants, and the tinted round sunshades, with colorful tops. It was tragic.

"I wasn't looking at you" Christina said standing beside me.

"Yeah you kind of were" I said.

"It's not like that, I just really like camo pants" she said.

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