Chapter 6

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"Aunty Kay! Aunty Kay! Look what I did at school today!" Karlie shouted excitedly as she came running down the sidewalk . I hadn't even notice the bus came. Shit Christina had me all zoned out.

"Kids! Hey! Right on time! How was school today!" I said so happy to see them. Because it was about to be so damn awkward, and I still ain't no what the fuck to say.

"Look!" Karlie said holding up a rolled up poster board.

"What's this?" I said unrolling the poster board. I unrolled it and revealed a picture of the jungle with forest animals such as lions, tigers, elephants, zebras, giraffes all made out of cut out construction paper, glued to the poster board. It looked really good, I was actually impressed.

"Wow, this is amazing Karlie! Good job" I said.

"Thank you can we hang it in the living room" Karlie asked.

"We sure can" I said.

"Hey Christina, did ya see what I did? " Karlie beamed happily.

"Yeah that's great, I'm really proud of you" Christina said with a kind of forced smile.

"Hi Charles, how was school" I asked even though I knew he wasn't gonna reply. Still wasn't talking to me.

He nodded his head like eh it was ok.

"Good to know. Let's go in or get a snack or something to drink. I'm a bit parched." I said clearing my throat. Thanking God I dodged that bullet for a moment.

So I got the kids something to snack on, and Christina stayed, and hung with the kids.

A horn honked outside, and that was Ka'Diah's bus. I went outside, and waved to one of her teachers, as she stepped off the bus.

"Hi Ka'Diah" I said with a smile. She smiled and nodded at me. No one ever talked except Karlie.

"Hi KD!" Look what I did at school today!" Karlie said jumping in front of her sister holding up her jungle picture.

Ka'Diah looked at it, ran her fingers across the paper.

"It's great right. Yeah I know. Thanks" Karlie said. Maybe it was a special language between siblings.

"Give me your backpack sweetheart" I said to Ka'Diah. She pulled her bright highlighter pink backpack off.

I reached in and pulled out her daily report, that the school sent home. As normal it was good report, no altercations, or anything.

"Good you had a good day today" I said.

"Kaliya, umm could I talk to you for a minute please" Christina said, and my heart dropped.

"Hmm" I said.

"Step in the kitchen for me" she said.

"Oh umm ok yeah sure" I said slowly walking to the kitchen. Karlie sat down, and gave Ka'Diah, graham crackers, and a juice box. Ka'Diah promptly began to eat it.

"I stood still, held my breath because it seemed like I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

"Did I come on too strong?" Christina whispered. I looked at her.

"I wasn't ready." I whispered back.

"I know it's a lot to take in. I kind of bombarded you but I couldn't hold it any longer. I just started to speak and it got away from me quick. I'm sorry" Christina said.

"No don't worry about it. But I just. . ."

"Aunty Kay" Karlie said touching my side to get my attention.

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