Chapter 8

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I pulled in the visitor's parking lot of Charles, and Karlie's school. I parked my truck, and got out. I walked into the building, checked in at the office, and went to Charles' class. I waited for the teacher to wrap up her lesson. I was a little early, so I just waited. Soon she lined the children up, and took them to music class. I was standing by the door. As Charles passed me, he smiled a bit, and gave me slight wave.

"Hey man" I smiled.

Soon the teacher returned.

"Hi I'm Ms. Waters, and you must be Ms. Jefferson, Charles Aunt?" she said extending her hand.

"Yes ma'am I am. How are you?" I said shaking her hand.

"Wonderful, thank you. So glad to see you Ms. Jefferson, please have a seat." Ms. Waters said pushing a chair up to her desk. She sat behind her desk.

I sat down.

"Well Ms. Jefferson, Charles is a remarkable boy. He is so smart, he's cooperative, he's discipline, obedient. He loves to learn about plants. Just a wonderful student. And for that I do applaud you" Ms. Waters said with a bright smile. Ms. Waters looked like your everyday elementary school teacher. She had red hair that was down, with a yellow headband on to match her yellow cardigan sweater. A golden cross on a gold chain around her neck. She had bright smile, with huge white pearly choppers. They almost looked fake how perfect they were.

"Thank you" I said with a smile.

"You are very welcome. He really likes to read especially about plants. He loves plants. We go outside for recess, he's in the school garden ya know admiring the flowers. He's a sweetheart but the problem is Ms. Jefferson, he doesn't talk. Some of the children pick on him because they know he won't speak about it. Ms. Jefferson I know teachers are supposed to keep kids safe, but I have 24 other children to watch, I can't watch only Charles. If someone is bothering him, I would love to know so the situation can be handled. I can't help what I don't know." Ms. Waters said.

"Yeah he doesn't talk at home either. He'll talk to his sister Karlie, and even then, he just whispers or mumbles. His older sister Ka'Diah is like that too. I just got custody of the kids upon my mother's death. I don't know what the story was before my mom got them" I said.

Ms. Waters' eyes filled with pity.

"I understand Ms. Jefferson. I do have a suggestion." Ms. Waters said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"Therapy. I know a child psychologist her name is Dr. Kelly Gordon; she works miracles with children. She has ten years of practice; she's board and state certified. I know child psychologist, sounds expensive but usually the children's insurance cover the cost, even for mental help. I strongly suggest you at least pay her a visit" Ms. Waters said.

"Most definitely. Do you have her contact information, office address perhaps" I asked.

"I do, I have her card. What you do is, call make an appointment. First time she consults with you just to get a little back history on the child, and then she'll probably tell you how she will go about treatment and diagnosis or whatever. If you agree, she'll make another appointment, this time for the child, and you'll go from there." Ms. Waters explained.

"Ok yeah I'm willing to try it." I said. Ms. Waters smiled brightly.

"Here's her card. That's office and cell. I really hope this helps Ms. Jefferson. Charles is such a bright young man, and I really hope it gets better." Ms. Jefferson said.

"Thank you so much Ms. Waters." I said standing up. Ms. Waters stood up also.

"No problem. Thank you so much for coming in Ms. Jefferson and I do wish you the best." Ms. Waters said hugging me. I wasn't ready for that.

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