Chapter 10

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Wednesday afternoon rolled around, and I was sitting at a psychiatry office. I finally made an appointment with Dr. Kelly Gordon. Well at first, I met her by myself in person. She basically just told me about what she did; experience, and all that also I gave her back history of Ka'Diah, and Charles. Well the little I did know. She told me it would certainly be one of the most challenging cases but certainly not impossible. The goal was to try and get the children to talk. Of course, they had to get physical exams first. Everything checked out fine. No hearing problems, nothing-just kids who don't like to talk.

After the initial interview and exam she said bring them in Wednesday after school, so here we are. I waited nervously. I think I was more nervous than the kids were. Ka'Diah sat beside me, and she rocked her head, and covered her right ear as if she was hearing somebody talk. She did this quite often. I told Dr. Gordon about it. She asked me was Ka'Diah ever super moody. I told her Ka'Diah was always pleasant, she smiled a lot.

Dr. Gordon said she'd have to further examine her to just see what was what. Camden sat in my lap, and he was having a ball with these toy keys Karlie packed for him. I picked him up from daycare early because I wasn't sure if I would get home on time to get him off the bus.

He was babbling and smiling as he sucked, gummed, and shook his toy ring of keys. I was getting more nervous by the second. Karlie was over in the small play section of the waiting room. She was sitting on a purple beanbag, and reading a Dr. Seuss book. Charles was playing with a toy car on the rug in the play section.

If this lady didn't come on, I think I would pass out. I don't know why I was so nervous.

"Ms. Jefferson" Dr. Gordon said approaching me.

"Hi" I said standing up.

"Hi, it's good to see you again" Dr. Gordon said shaking my hand. Dr. Gordon was a middle-aged woman who looked like she was mixed. She had light walnut colored skin, deep grayish blue eyes that hid behind dark rectangular black glasses. She wore her silky midnight black hair that she kept pulled back in a tight bun. She wore a dark blue simple pants suit with black loafers. Very professional looking.

"This is Ka'Diah correct" Dr. Gordon said.

"Yes this is her, and that's Charles over there playing with cars" I said looking their way.

"Who is this handsome fella" Dr. Gordon said smiling at Camden.

"My other nephew Camden" I said.

"He's adorable. Well I guess I'll start with Ka'Diah first then. Charles. Umm for the first fifteen minutes Ms. Jefferson, it's ok for you to stay in the room. Just so Ka'Diah won't be too afraid, and possibly just a tad bit more comfortable. Then after fifteen minutes, you will go in a room adjacent to us, and look through a one way mirror, just so you can witness all activities." Dr. Gordon said.

"Ok I can do that." I said.

"Good, umm Charles and is that Karlie over there" Dr. Gordon asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Ok good they can stay in the play area. No worries Sonya is keeping an eye on them" she said looking at the receptionist, who was watching Karlie, and Charles.

"Ok." I said.

"Alright. Let's get started. Right this way if you will" Dr. Gordon said. I had already told Karlie, and Charles I'd leave the room. Just so they wouldn't go into a panic.

I entered Dr. Gordon's office, and it was almost like entering a playroom. She had all types of toys, and books just for kids. With lots of cartoon posters on the wall. Definitely comfortable for a child.

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