Chapter 4

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I cut off the truck, and went around the passenger's side. Ka'Diah was staring hard at her mother. She wouldn't blink just staring, she looked troubled almost. I opened the door, and unbuckle her seatbelt. usually she hops out as soon as I unbuckle her but this time she was hesitant.

"Come on Ka'Diah, it's ok" I said. She hesitantly got out the car. She grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Nikki, Nikki" I said walking towards her. Her head was still bowed.

"Nikki! Do you hear me? Nikki!" I said louder. She jumped and her head shot up, and her eyes were huge. She had gray eyes just like my mama, and they were bloodshot. Her face was a pretty brown just like Karlie's except she looked tired, worn down.

"Nikki" I said, and she just stared at me. She smiled a little bit.

"Kay-Kay" she smiled. Even with the habitual drug use, she still had that smile that lit up the room. Kay-Kay, nobody had called me that in years.

"Yeah it's me Nikki" I said.

"Wow, you look so pretty. Look at you all grown up now. You taking care of yourself. I always knew you'd turn out to be the prettiest. And I was right, so pretty" she said her breathing was erratic. She breathed heavily.

"Thank you Nikki. Nikki I need to tell you something" I said.

"What is it Kay-Kay? I missed you. I was thinking about you the other day. I wanted to come see you but uh I got caught up. I missed you Kay-Kay." she said. I walked closer to her, and stood beside her, and even though Ka'Diah was taller than me, she stood behind me as if to hide. She gripped my hand tight. I was trying so hard not to cry. It was so painful to see her like this. I wanted to help so bad.

I wish she would get clean and we could raise the kids together, and we'd be ok. I wished so much she would stop and get help.

"I missed you too Nikki. But I got something to tell you" I said my eyes filling with tears.

"Yeah Kay-Kay" she said.

"Mama's gone Nikki, she died two weeks ago" I said my eyes stinging with tears. Nikki frowned, and covered her mouth.

"Nah Kay-Kay, mama got my kids, mama ain't gone. She got the babies, and she said she said she'd take care of them. She ain't gone. Mama ain't gone. Why you playing Kay-Kay, she ain't gone" Nikki said

"Nikki we buried her Nikki she gone. I got your kids Nikki" I said.

Nikki's face shattered with sadness. She began to cry, I mean seriously broke down in a fit of tears.

And it caused tears to escape my eyes.

"Kay-Kay she gone. Kay-Kay why. . . I don't understand. She gone. Kay-Kay" she cried out to me.

"I'm sorry" I said softly as I wrapped my arms around her bony frame. She was so thin. She started crying hard on my shoulder.

"It's ok" I said rubbing my back.

Then she pulled it together. She pulled away. And she quickly wiped her eyes, and her face. She shook her head.

"Who got my kids? Where did they go?" Nikki said looking at me.

"I got them. Mama left them to me Nikki. But Nikki can you get help please. It's paid for, and all you gotta do is walk in, and just go there, and they'll help you. I got a friend at this really nice rehab, and you can get better, and it'll be better" I said in tears.

"Nah! No! I don't need no help! They just wanna kill me. I'll go there and die, and I rather die out here, before I go there. I'm messed up Kay-Kay. I lost my mind. And they out here trying to get me. I'm fighting these demons. Kay-Kay I can't" Nikki said.

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