Chapter 9

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"Ok Kaliya, chill the fuck out!"

I said to myself.

My heart pounded, I hoped they had a bar in here with some strong liquor because I couldn't chill.

I got the front door, and a few people were ahead of me. They were showing their ID.

"Good evening beautiful. You know as young and gorgeous as you look. I gotta see some ID." the bouncer said with a flirtatious smile.

I smiled back. I was not gonna lie, he was fine as hell. Low cute wavy black hair, dark smooth brown pecan skin, built like he lifted weights in his sleep. Brother was beyond fine.

"No problem" I said showing him my idea.

"Ok cool. Get on in there, have a good night gorgeous" He smiled a sexy ass smile.

"Don't worry I will" I said walking in the club. Damn this place was packed. The scene was real chilled.

Round tables with white table clothes, and lit candle in the center of each. A bar stocked with all the liquor you could ever dream of.

A big stage up front with a small jazz band playing some mellow music.

Everyone was dressed appropriately.

It was some damn good-looking men and women in here. I could dig this. I made my way over to the bar, and I'm never one to brag. But I did turn a few heads.

Got a few winks from both men and women. I looked around and I realized that it was mostly women here; some were dressed in very masculine clothing. I'm talking sharp as a kitchen knife in three-piece suits. They did look good, no lie. It was some men in the crowd, not a lot but a few.

I found a seat at the bar, and sat down.

"Hey pretty lady, what can I get you tonight?" the bartender said. She looked like she was a Latina. Her slightly tanned skin, hazel cat eyes, and brown, blonde streaked hair. She was cute or whatever.

"Just let me get Hennessy on the rocks please." I said with a smile.

"No problem love" she said smiling back.

I took my phone out of my purse. I texted Christina, letting her know I was here.

"Here you are" she said.

"Thanks, how much" I asked.

"Don't worry about it baby, this one is on me" she said with a wink.

Aye! I still got it!

"Thank you" I smiled.

"No problem. What you doing here tonight" she smiled.

"She came to see me." Christina said coming out of nowhere. The bar tender looked hella shocked.

"Oh my bad Christina, I didn't know" the bartender said.

"Yeah surprise. Don't you have something to do? Like tend to these waiting customers Krissy?" Christina said with much edge in her voice.

"Yeah you're right. You all have a good night." she said rushing off. I didn't know it could get that real. Christina never spoke with such sharpness. To be honest the edge in her voice was turning me on. I never felt so hot and bothered.


"Hello gorgeous! Kaliya, you look stunning." Christina said putting her arm around my waist. She ain't even had the full effect yet.

I slid out of my bar stool, so she could get the full view.

"Oh damn Kaliya!" Christina said checking me out.

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