Chapter 11

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After I got done cooking dinner, everyone sat down to eat. Karlie was telling everyone about this story she read at school today. She was very vivid with the details. It was actually quite interesting. I heard my cell phone going off, which was in the living room.

"Oh excuse me." I said getting up from the table.

"Hello" I said answering my phone.

"Kay! Hey!" Agatha said loudly.

"Oh hey what's up Aggie?" I smiled.

"Oh nothing you know just checking in with my best friend since she don't check in with me. I tell ya about these females who be acting all anti and what not." Agatha said. I rolled my eyes at the ceiling.

"Here you go. What's going on?" I said.

"Nothing just getting off, cruising the city or whatever. Let me come through." Agatha said.

"Yeah girl come on, we were just having dinner." I said.

"Who cooked?" Agatha said.

"Uh me" I said obviously.

Agatha busted into laughter.

"You know damn well, yo ass don't be cooking! Quit lying!" Agatha laughed.

"Actually I do be cooking for your information." I said.

"I wonder how it taste." Agatha said skeptically.

"Damn good. Ask anybody who eats it." I said.

"Whatever. Save me plate, not too much, cause I'm pretty sure I won't eat a lot. I be there in like thirty minutes cause traffic is crazy, and yeah it's ridiculous." Agatha said.

"Ok cool. See you in a bit." I said.

"Ok bye!" Agatha said hanging up. I hung up, and went back to the table.

Charles slid me his empty plate, and looked at me.

"Are you finished" I asked.

He shook his head no.

"Do you want more" I asked.

He shook his head yes.

"Of everything" I asked.

He nodded again.

"Wow. Ok cool." I said getting back up.

"He has quite the appetite tonight." Christina said.

"Yeah I know. He has been eating a lot more lately though." I said as I served more of everything on his plate.

"Ah he wants to be a big strong man. How else will we build those muscles." Christina said playing with Charles. He smiled at her.

"Aunty Kay" Karlie said.

"Yes" I answered.

"I'm done." Karlie said.

"Get enough?" I asked.

"Yep yep!" Karlie said.

"Ok clear your dishes" I said. Karlie gathered her plate, and cup, and walked to the sink. She dropped her dishes in the sink.

Anyway soon everyone was done.

The kids were headed to bed.

"That was delicious Kaliya" Christina said.

I smiled delighted that she enjoyed it.

"Thank you" I said as I cleared the table.

The doorbell rang, and I knew it was Agatha.

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