Chapter 24

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“So when you wanna flip you hit X twice, then Y to draw your sword, and B to fight.” Xavier said.

Ka'Diah nodded her head. They must've been talking about the video game they were playing.

I stepped to the side so everyone could get in the restroom to wash their hands. Anyway we all went down for dinner, and everyone was gathered at the table.

The table was already set, I guess Kelly did all the cooking, and it everything looked delicious. She made deep fried chicken, steamed veggies, a nice side green salad, macaroni and cheese and sweet bed rolls.

It all looked really good. Christina's dad said grace, and then everyone began to eat. Christina sat beside me and Ka'Diah sat on the other side of me.

Conversation began to flow as the food was being passed around.

“So Kaliya Christina tells me that you're a nurse” Mr. Anderson said.

 “Yes I am.” I said.

“Oh how nice. How long?” Mr. Anderson asked.

“Almost five years now.” I said.

“That's a great career to have. You work in the hospital or clinic?” Mr. Anderson asked. This the part I hated telling people cause they start looking at yo ass crazy cause you work in a mental facility.

“No not quite. I work in a mental facility actually.” I said smiling nervously.

“What? Like you deal with crazies all day?” Eve chimed in.

“I do. It's not that bad.” I said. Everybody at the damn table gave me the side eye of the century for real.

“Umm do you ever get soldiers who lost their minds during battle?” Andrew asked breaking the side eyes.

“All the time, absolutely.” I said.

“So like you have Schizos, Bipolars, depressed, and some other stuff too?” Eve asked.

“Yeah all that and some more.” I said.

“Girl uh-uh! I'm a beautician, and my clients they crazy enough, and they ain't even committed, I can only imagine what you dealing wit. But if you like it, I love it. More power to you. But you are out of your mind.” Eve said.

The whole table looked at her, like really now?

“I'm just saying.” Eve said with a shrug.

“Somebody has to do it. And I'm more than happy to.” I said looking down.

“That's good Kaliya. I'm sure your job is very rewarding. And I'm glad you are willing to help those in need. That's a very honorable and respectable thing to do.” Mr. Anderson glaring at Eve.

I loved this guy already. I smiled broadly.

“Thank you Mr. Anderson. I appreciate that.” I said.

“So Chris, how's the band doing? What is it Cool Sailing?” Gary kidded.

“It's actually Smooth Sailing, and we're doing great thank you. We are keeping busy, and it's going good.” Christina said.

“I never heard of that band. What is it like a rap group or something” Eve said. A rap group called Smooth Sailing? Really? Where they do that at?

“Actually it's a smooth jazz band.” Christina said.

“Oh shit no wonder I never heard of it. Who listens to jazz anymore? I don't.” Eve said.

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? And she just cussed all loud and shit. No manners having ass ho.

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