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"I thought it'd be years before said anything to me. I mean that was way she was putting things anyway." Nikki said.

"Yeah I thought it would be some more time. But that was awesome. You feel alright?" I said.

"I feel fine, just shocked. Wow." Nikki said.

"Wow is right." I said still in disbelief. Anyway so Nikki and I talked for a little while longer, and then said good night.

The next few days were going good. I was at work, and I was taking one of my patients out for a smoke break. I sat on a bench next my patient who was in a wheelchair. She was old White lady who was in her late seventies. She was severely Bipolar, and mood could go from zero to a thousand in less than three seconds. She was old and frail, with thin gray hair, and she had more wrinkles than a raisin. Her skin was saggy everywhere like a candle over heat, when wax is being dragged down.

She smoked her stinky Virginia Slims, and watched the ducks in the pond.

I sighed as I crossed my legs.

"Wow Kaliya, Kaliya." someone said. I looked up, and my eyes almost bucked out my head.

"Toni!" I said beyond shocked.

"Oh my you remembered my name. Hi!" Toni said. I hadn't seen her since that night of the awards. It was a shock. I didn't know how to feel.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked.

"I'm for paperwork. Anyway you're still hanging on. I thought you'd leave this place by now." Toni said sitting beside me on the bench.

"No it's my job, and I actually kind of like it." I said. I was still in awe that she was here. She looked exactly the same. Her dreads were in two thick neat french braid to the back. Her brown eyes still filled with allure, and slyness. She was wearing black slacks, a white button down shirt, and black blazer.

"That's good. Hey I heard about what happened to you with Vincent everything." Toni said. I swallowed hard. That would be some thing I would love to forget.

"Yeah." I said quietly. What else was there to say?

"I tried to warn you." Toni said. I looked at her, wide eyed.

"You did not! You knew it was gonna happen huh?" I said.

"Not that bad. Vincent and me well we use to talk a lot. We use to hang out at the same bar every Wednesday night. I use go for happy hour, and one night I was there, and I saw Vincent. He noticed, and we started talking. And we liked talking a whole lot. And it just kept happening. And he use to talk about Christina nonstop. And I don't know one day he says, "I see she has a girlfriend now" and I'm like yeah whatever. And he suddenly turned ice cold, and was like I don't like it." Toni said.

"You knew the whole time, and you didn't say shit. You didn't warn me or anything. On those Wednesday night meetings, you saw him turning, you saw him becoming this revenge seeking monster who was out for blood, and you said nothing. You didn't warn me Toni! You didn't once say "Hey Kaliya, you're life is in danger!" Not once Toni! Not one damn time! I could've died! I was in a coma for a week. I was beaten! Shot three times, and left in some damn dingy cabin to die! And you didn't say a word!" I seethed. My blood was boiling.

"It's not like that Kaliya. I tried to stop him. I tried to stop him. I should've told you but I wasn't sure how. And I didn't think he was gonna do what he did. I mean he mostly said abstract thing like he doesn't like you with his wife. He would get upset about it, I just didn't see it until it was too late. I tried to stop him and he nearly killed me for it. He beat with his gun, and said if I told, my daughter was next. I seriously tried this time." Toni said.

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