Chapter 25

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Then in walked Ka'Diah followed by Christina. I smiled, I was so happy to see everyone. I just knew I was dead, thank God I'm alive.

Ka'Diah looked at me, and smiled. Her gray eyes were red, probably from vomiting so much.

Ka'Diah walked over beside me, and picked up Karlie.

“What are you doing KD? Put me down.” Karlie said. Ka'Diah picked Karlie off of the bed, and planted her on her feet.

“All you had to say was excuse me. Gosh. So rude.” Karlie fussed. Ka'Diah than sat beside me and grabbed my hand, and just held it.

“Ok. I'm glad to see you too. Did you get motion sickness really bad?” I asked.

She nodded her head.

“Christina would you tell Aunty Kay that Ka'Diah can talk, just chooses not to. Cause she did it on the boat when Aunty Kay fell off.” Karlie said.

“She did indeed. Excuse me Charles” Christina said. Charles jumped down so Christina could get next to me.

“See KD, that's all you had to do.” Karlie said.

“You scared us, everyone even me.” Christina said.

“I know. I was scared for a minute.” I said.

“It's alright, I'm just glad you're here.” Christina said. She kissed me, and I wasn't sure if we ever been affectionate in front of the children. It wasn't like a secret but I don't know we just never told the kids. What would it even matter?

Anyway a short time later, I was finally released from the hospital. Aside from the near death experience, I'd say the trip went well. For the remainder of the trip we celebrated Christina's dad's birthday. It was great. They gave him a surprise party, and he loved it. Christina played him a solo on her saxophone, her brothers gave him gifts, it was awesome.

Everyone had a really good time. The whole mood was very festive, aside from my mishap we had a great time. It was a nice miniature vacation. I didn't know it then, but God did. He gave me a small break because he knew I'd need it once I got home.

I don't know maybe the trip was one break before a catastrophe happened. Not one catastrophe but two. But even with that break, I don't think anything prepared for what's ahead.

A few weeks after the trip, everything was back to normal. We were back on regular schedule.

I was seeing the kids off to school.

“You guys have a great day today, learn all that you can. I'll see you when you get home.” I said.

“Aunty Kay?” Charles said.

“Yes Karlie, I mean Charles, yes.” I said. It was taking me a minute to get use to him speaking now.

I mean I was so thrilled about him talking. I didn't know how to act. It was so good to hear his voice. Dr. Gordon was extremely thrilled he was talking. She could hardly believe it herself. She told me sometime it happens like that. Kids, even adults can go years in silence and then one day without a reason or purpose, they just start talking.

She said perhaps the traumatic event of me almost drowning gave him his voice back. Because in some situations we have to use things we never even knew we had. Dr. Gordon also gave me a name as to why Ka'Diah and Charles were silent. It was something called Selective Mutism that many children suffered from often after suffering some sort of traumatic event.

“Umm I was wondering this weekend could we uh could we go to the park? The news man said it was gonna be all sunny and bright. I was just wondering.” Charles shrugged.

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