Chapter 14

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“No, everything is all good.” I said.

“Sure?” Christina asked.

“Positive.” I said.

 “Ok. Well listen I have to go. But I’ll talk to you later alright.” Christina said.

“Yeah ok.” I said.

“I love you Kaliya.” Christina said making my heart melt.

I smiled and with confidence I said “I love you too Christina.”

After we hung up, I got up and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed. For about five minutes, I just laid there.  I was just so angry and sad about what happened to the kids.

However, after almost a hour of sulking, I gathered myself. The kids would be home soon.

I went back downstairs, and put up their files.  I went and sat on the front porch and waited for the kids as I always did.  I started playing a game on my phone.  I had to do something to stop focus my mind on something else. Charles and Ka’Diah had therapy today. So I had to go pick up Camden early from daycare. I was thinking maybe I should get  Karlie some sort of help too. I mean she has been through a whole lot.

I wasn’t sure, I’d ask Dr. Gordon what she thinks.  Soon the kids were home, and we were headed to therapy. I had already gotten Camden.  We did the regular routine at Dr. Gordon’s.

I sat behind the one way mirror. Both Charles and Ka’Diah did seem a bit more relaxed around Dr. Gordon since this was the second visit. Progress was being made.  After each session was complete. I approached Dr. Gordon.

 “Dr. Gordon could I speak with you for a minute?” I said.

“Sure Ms. Jefferson. How are you today?” she asked.

“I’m good thank you. Umm I have a question.  So I recently pulled up back history on the kids.” I said.

Dr. Gordon looked at me intrigued.

“Did you?” she asked.

“Yes. Umm I had to go through some things to get it but I got it. Umm they all suffered a tremendous amount of both sexual and physical abuse.  Including Karlie. And I was wondering do you think that even though she made seem just little better than the other two. Do you think she should seek counseling?” I asked.

“Well Ms. Jefferson any child who suffers any abuse of any kind will also suffer from effects caused by the abuse. Children handle abuse differently. Some may hold it inside for their whole life, and never tell a soul. Others usually most times have behavioral problems. Such as easily angered. Anger issues. They maybe very violent, very guarded.  May not act like themselves. For example if a child who is outgoing, very lively suddenly becomes quiet, and seems to isolate themselves, that could be a sign of abuse. Very moody. I can’t really tell you unless you let me examine her. Also would you mind if I viewed  the files. I was provided with some files by Department of Social Services but I think you have a more complete, and more update report than me.” Dr. Gordon said.

“Ok sure I can do that. Umm also I think I would like for Karlie to be examined just to be safe.” I said.

“Certainly. Well I can’t now; I have another patient coming in. but next week I most certainly will.” Dr. Gordon said.

“Ok I’ll get the reports to you sometime this week just so you can have time to go over them.  That’s all. Thank you Dr. Gordon.” I said.

 “You are most welcome. You have a good evening.” Dr. Gordon said.

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