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You had tried to stay up as late as you could but Kylo never came back. You woke up the next morning hoping that maybe he'd be there but he was still gone. No note. Nothing indicating where he was.

You knew what you told him the night before probably wasn't the best thing to say to him. But you were truly tired of it weighing on your shoulders. You needed to tell him, and it couldn't wait. You were already thinking about a future together, you needed to know how he felt about that possibility.

When he left without a word, it broke your heart but you couldn't lie to yourself. You were expecting that. Whether he liked it or not, you knew him, and you knew how he felt about love. Deep down, you had hoped your confession might have helped him realize his own true feelings but the sane part of you knew he would run.

And you were worried. You hadn't seen him at all and you hoped nothing happened to him. You got out of bed, got dressed, and looked around your room. For a moment, you thought maybe he left. Maybe he went home already and left you there. But, you saw his suitcase was still in the room and figured he wouldn't leave without that.

You made your way down to the lobby searching for him there but knowing you wouldn't find him. You figured you'd inquire at the front desk. You asked if anyone had seen him at all between last night and this morning. The gentleman working at the desk said he saw him leaving with his briefcase this morning.

You assumed he had just gone into work, but you were still curious where he spent last night because you knew he didn't come back to the bed you slept in. Even though he left you when you were at your most vulnerable, even though he said nothing to your confession, you were still worried about him. That's just who you were.

You tried to push those things out of your mind as you made your way back to your room. You still wanted to explore this beautiful place. So you changed into something cute and comfortable and headed out.

This time you refused to take the tour guide. You were feeling rebellious from Kylo's rejection and you figured it couldn't be that hard to find your way back. You just wanted to be alone today, be with your thoughts, and think about things.

You spent hours walking around the city. Your thoughts consuming your mind so much, that you didn't realize how far you had even gone. You found yourself in a small park just people watching. You sat on a bench as you observed the people around you. Businessmen and women walking and talking busily on their phones, friends who hadn't seen each other in a while reuniting, and couples holding hands while walking.

You couldn't help but sit and think about last night's scenario as you watched the happy couples that walked by you. You loved Kylo so much. You couldn't really explain it. You'd never felt so strongly about someone before in your life and with him, things just came so naturally. Yes, he had his struggles which brought some tension to your relationship at times but that didn't matter to you. You knew you'd fight for him as long as he still wanted you too. Up to this point, you thought he still did. But now, now you were confused.

You couldn't be angry at him for reacting the way he did but you were still frustrated. Frustrated at the people, the events that happened to him, that made him believe he wasn't able to love or deserving of it. It made you want to hit something. Your anger built slowly, festering right on the edge. You got a glimpse into the darkness in his life and that almost broke your heart. You knew he hadn't told you everything and it made you feel angry just thinking about how horrible the thing he didn't tell you, could be. He was so deserving of love and you wanted to hurt anyone who made him believe otherwise.

It wasn't long until you realized the sky had gone dark, and the park was illuminated by multicolor lights. It was absolutely beautiful until it hit you how late it had gotten. You pulled out your phone to check the time but you are greeted with a black screen.

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