Champagne Problems

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a/n: Warnings: This chapter contains mentions of depression and thoughts of suicide (mostly in relation to body image). Also mentions of fat-shaming and not eating because of it. If this is triggering for you or it is something you are uncomfortable with, please DO NOT READ. If you have any questions about it or would like to understand the context further, feel free to reach out to me.





You and Kylo arrived back in New York late in the evening. You dreaded getting off that plane and having to step back into the real world. The past week was a dream with him. No interruptions, just you and him. You had enjoyed it immensely. You didn't think you could ever get tired of being with him. He was always surprising you. One minute, when you thought you could know everything you could know about him, he told you another fact about himself that threw you off guard. That made you love him more.

Kylo hadn't really talked about what the two of you were. Were you exclusive? Boyfriend, girlfriend? You didn't really know but you weren't upset about it. You didn't need a label to know how you felt about him. And you didn't need one to know how he felt about you. After this week, you knew you could spend forever with him not needing anything else than what you already had.

Elliot picked the two of you up and drove you back to Kylo's penthouse. You quickly texted both Rey and Poe that you arrived back safely. Rey was already texting back excited to meet up and hear all the details. You smiled as you looked out the window of the town car as the city lights zoomed by you liked blurred lines of color. You weren't excited about the full week of work you had ahead of you.

"What's on your mind princess?" Kylo's voice pulling your eyes away from the zooming world outside and to his familiar face. Home. He was your home.

You smiled before you spoke. "Just dreading work a little. I have some big shoots this week and it's hard to get back into it after the week we just had." You chuckled softly and he smiled.

"I guess now is a good time to warn you that I'll probably be spending some nights at the office this week. I know the amount of work I have will not be minimal."

You pushed your bottom lip out, your eyes going soft as you scooted towards him in the backseat. You wrapped your arm through his own, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Promise you won't overwork yourself okay?" You said it softly, worried that he would get too stressed from the things he couldn't control. You felt his warm, soft lips on the top of your head.

"I promise kitten."

You snuggled into him, reveling in his warmth. As the car pulled up to the building you let Kylo lead you out, Elliot already taking care of your bags. You walked the familiar path to the elevator before it took you up, up, up to the top floor. To what you considered your home. You didn't tell anyone that. You still paid the rent with Poe on the apartment. You never told Kylo that you felt more at home in this penthouse. He never asked you to move in permanently. But regardless of any of that, as Kylo opened the door, you took in the smell, the sight, the feeling. Everything about it made you feel safe and comfortable.

You plopped on the couch, as Kylo started sifting through his mail. You watched as he discarded any junk mail or opened anything that looked important. Elliot came in with your luggage, leaving it sit by the door per Kylo's orders, and closed the door on his way out. You saw Kylo pause as he lifted an envelope closer to his face. You could tell by his immediate change in body language that whoever that letter was from and whatever it might contain couldn't be good.

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