Simple Pleasures

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It had been two weeks since Leia visited the two of you and told you she'd be leaving. Kylo had talked to Iris almost immediately. Told her that he didn't have feelings for her, that he didn't want to be with her. That he wanted to be with you. He had told you how it went. Everything said.

He told you that she had taken it well and you were shocked. You knew how you felt when you thought it was over with him. You were surprised she didn't go down with a fight. Kylo had told you what she said. That she had practically brushed it off saying that he could have his fun for now. That she knew he'd come back to her. Because he had to.

When he had told you, you felt almost sick. But he assured you that wouldn't happen. That he would find a way to end that betrothal contract for good. And he wanted to prove that to you. So much so that these past two weeks you barely saw him. He was either working or spending hours in his office, combing over documents and trying to find a way out. A way that you two could be together. Safely.

You missed him. You'd been back with him, practically staying at his penthouse, for the past two weeks. It felt right. Good. But, you hadn't had much time with him. Not as much time as you would've liked after spending all that time apart.

So, when you came back to the penthouse to find him missing from its familiar, homey feel, you knew he needed a break. A way to get his mind off of things just for the night. He might not like it but he needed it. You hopped in the car and headed to his office where you knew he'd be.

It was family dinner night and you thought it might be good, that it might be time he finally joined you all. Became part of the "family." With his mother away, you knew Kylo could use a group of people who were kind and supportive.

Rey and Poe had both been skeptical after you told them you were back with Kylo. They knew how he broke your heart. Knew how you were after he did. They just didn't want you to get hurt again. Wanted to make sure you were truly being cautious. Though, after they heard about Dak and what he did to you, it softened the blow of you being back with Kylo.

You knew they'd accept him at dinner and that you'd all have a good time together. You knew Kylo needed it. You needed it. An easy night where you could both just let go of the contracts and threats looming over you and your relationship. A night where you could just be a normal couple having dinner with your brother and your friends.

So, you hopped in the car and headed to Kylo's office. It was a hot New York day but your dress caught the warm breezes nicely. You couldn't stop your face from showing your smile. Whether it was in your eyes or on your lips. You were just excited to see him.

You hadn't graced the halls of his company in a while but when you arrived it was as if you had never left. You walked back the familiar path to his office and memories flashed back in your mind of that first time he had asked you to meet him here. How he had asked you what you wanted. How he had fucked you over his desk. How you never needed someone to be a constant in your life before that day.

You knocked quietly on his door waiting to hear that low silky voice of his allow you entrance.

"Come in." He demanded and as you slowly opened the doors, you could already see how stressed he was. Practically hunched over his laptop with documents and files scattered all over his desk.

"Hi, handsome." You spoke softly as you watched him realize it was you and not an employee. You could see how the expression on his face changed when he saw you standing by the door. A soft smile lit up his face as you stepped into his office.

"Hi, beautiful. What are you doing here?"

You walked over towards where he was sitting behind his desk and ran a hand through his hair.

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