Kylo's Epilogue

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a/n: Warnings this epilogue contains breeding kink and mentions of pregnancy and babies. If this is triggering for you or if it is something you are uncomfortable with, please DO NOT READ. If you have any questions about it or would like to understand the context further, feel free to reach out to me.





Two Years Later...

She sits across from him staring out of the glass and taking in the spectacular view from the top of the Ferris wheel. But he couldn't be bothered by the view of the city outside. His favorite view was sitting right across from him and she always looked so beautiful.

The last time they were here he had seen this and thought it'd be the perfect place to tell her every single thing he wanted her to know. Every feeling he'd been desperate to suppress and keep buried. And he'd been a coward. He let his fear of failure, of being weak, of not being enough, stop him from being sure the woman he knew he loved, knew what she meant to him.

Now, he was here to right that wrong. On the anniversary of their wedding day, he knew exactly where to take her. Back to Singapore.

"Princess?" Her head snapped towards him and she wore a huge smile on her face. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the sun making her diamond sparkle and he was filled with such pride. That she had stood before her friends and family and promised to be his forever. Promised that she would take him and commit to him for the rest of her life. It had been one of the best days of his life.

With her attention on him now, he reached out his hands to take hers and continued. "I wanted to bring you back here because I've always been upset with myself for the way our last trip here went and ended. You were so brave to tell me your true feelings. You were vulnerable with me and trusted me enough to show what really lay in your heart without knowing how I might react. And I reacted like an idiot."

"The last time we were here I should've told you I loved you too. I felt it then but I was too much of a coward. You took the leap and I should've been willing to fall with you. But now, I hope you know, I am. I brought you to the very top of this Ferris wheel because no matter what life brings us, how many times we go in circles, the highs and the lows, I'm always willing to keep leaping and falling with you. I'll stand by your side through everything. You mean the world to me, princess. I love you."

He could see the water that swelled in her eyes and threatened to cascade over her eyelashes. He hated seeing her cry but these were happy tears because of that smile she wore. God, that smile. It could light up the whole world.

She practically leaped into his arms, throwing her arms around his neck as he squeezed her around her waist. The movement caused some creaking sounds to come from the small pod they were in and she suddenly went still.

He chuckled and just squeezed her tighter. "I'll fall with you, remember? I won't let anything ever hurt you again."

"I love you," she whispered into his neck. "Thank you for bringing me back here and turning this place back into a good memory."

He hated that he'd tainted their first memories here. But he's grown so much because of her. She's made him a better man because she inspires him and loves him for exactly who he is. He never had to change for her. He just had to trust himself.

With her warm body pressed against him, he realized just how lucky he was. Not only that she was still here after all they'd been through but because every day she wakes up and continues to choose him. Something he still wishes his parents would've done when he was younger. But time heals and while the evidence of the wounds still show and still pain him, they're not as fresh and raw as they once were.

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