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It was cold and dark and his whole body felt like it wanted to give up. He was trudging through the snow trying to stay bundled up with the coat that covered his body. The street lamps were lit but the very dim light offered no illumination on who the figure in front of him was. He squinted, hoping that the narrowing of his eyes would somehow, magically allow you to see clearer.

He recognized that shape, that smaller frame that walked in front of him. He started to call out her name but she kept walking ahead, never looking back. He ran trying to get closer to her, trying to get her to notice him. Why wasn't she noticing him? He closed the space between her and his large hand came out from beside him to tap her shoulder.

He whispered her name, his voice in his own ears barely able to be heard. She didn't flinch, she just kept walking. He could feel the frustration building and he got ahead of her placing both hands on her shoulders. This caused her to stop but she never looked up. He shook her and screamed her name as he felt an immense fear build inside him. That same fear he felt before.

"Look at me!" He screamed. "Why won't you look at me!"

Somehow he felt the warm tears falling down his cheeks as the woman who he thought might have even an ounce of feeling for him still, acted like he didn't even exist. He felt like a ghost who hadn't passed through yet, coming back to say goodbye to the one he loved. But she couldn't hear you. She couldn't see you.

Was she grieving him? Or was she happy he was gone?




Kylo sprang up from the couch, sweat coating his forehead and chest. His breath was heavy as he tried desperately to calm himself down. His nightmares hadn't stopped. They had gotten much worse the more time he was apart from her. He was tired. Tired of reliving the same nightmares. Of losing her. Of his childhood. He wanted it to stop. He wanted her back.

And he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw her for the first time in a year. He never expected to see her there. Honestly, he never expected to see her ever again. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the way he broke things off was cruel. He wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to speak to him again after that.

But when he saw her...When he saw her again after leaving her in that hospital room weak and tired, that room he put her in, his whole world stopped. She looked stunning. Healthy and strong. Just as he remembered her. And when he looked into her eyes, all the memories came flooding back. Of how happy he felt with her. Of their times together and how she made him laugh. How she made him feel for the first time in years. Then his heart raced.

Did she see him with Iris? Did it break her heart? Has he hurt her yet again?

His life now was dull, nowhere near as exciting as it was with her. Everything with Iris was for show. He didn't feel anything with her but he knew it's what he had to do to keep her safe. He knew Iris felt differently. Knew she was in love with him. She had been since they were kids. He never felt the same.

Their families had been connected ever since he could remember. He didn't know Mr. Erbey that well, but usually, when he'd see his Dad as a kid, Mr. Erbey was with him. The Erbey's made their riches by dealing with stocks. And like his family, they wanted to make sure those riches stayed within the family and only prospered. That's when the deal was struck. When the betrothal became official. But, this wasn't the life he wanted. Wasn't the life he chose.

But he had to endure it. To keep her safe.

He had tried to get in contact with his mother. To ask her why. To make her pay. He had called so many times and never reached her. He tired her assistant, her usual buyers. No one answered. He had left messages but no one returned his calls. After months of no contact, he gave up. He didn't know where she was, no one would tell him. So, she was dead to him. He had seen she had tried calling him back, tried to get in contact with him but he had made up his mind. He would never see her again if he didn't have to.

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