This Slope is Treacherous

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Kylo woke up early to the sound of his phone buzzing. It was the office and it was never a good sign when they called on the weekend.

They needed him to come in.

He got himself dressed and gathered his things. He was about to leave when he remembered she had stayed the night. This was new. He never had anyone stay the night.

Kylo knew she had to still be sleeping and he didn't want to wake her. She had seemed shocked when he told her she could stay and he didn't blame her after the way he treated her last night. He hadn't even kissed her and for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He had stayed up practically all night thinking about it, hoping to find solace in the piano. There was none.

He sent her phone a text message...

Had to go into work. Feel free to take any of the food in the fridge. Elliot is at your disposal.

And he left his penthouse and headed to the office.





It was a mess at the office and Kylo really wasn't in the mood to have to fix everyone's shit especially on a Saturday but, it was his job, it's what he signed up for when he decided to start his own business. Deep down he knew he'd rather have it this way than having no say whatsoever.

When he finally had a moment of peace amidst the chaos around him, his mind wandered to her. She hadn't responded to his text. He had thought it sounded ok and he thought she'd appreciate it if he let her sleep. But for some reason, he felt uneasy about the situation.

For once in his life, he felt a connection. A real, honest connection to someone. He had such a strong desire not to hurt her even though hurt was all he knew. She is so innocent, so naive. He couldn't subject her to his life, to his ghosts, his pain, his torment. In his mind, subconsciously, not kissing her last night was supposed to make it easier. He thought by not allowing that kind of intimacy, he would be protecting her, protecting them both from a future filled with nothing but pain. But, he found he only craved it more. She was intoxicating. Not just her body but the way she smiles and lights up the room when she is excited about something. He has lived in darkness his entire life but she was like open curtains on a bright morning shining into a pitch-black room. He had to adjust his eyes to the light and once he did he didn't ever want to stop looking.

These were dangerous thoughts. He had to stop thinking this way, it was making him weak. So, he focused his mind back on work. Once he was able to successfully get his company back in order he headed home after a long day.

Kylo entered his building and was given his mail by the gentleman at the front desk. He sorted through the pile that was given to him as he rode the elevator up to the top floor. Most of the time the only mail he ever got was just junk. His body tensed as he reached the last piece of mail and noticed the familiar handwriting on the manila envelope. His mother.

Kylo had not seen his family in years. When he was old enough to get out, he did. He went to school, worked hard, and was determined to make his own way in the world without the help of his family. His mother, Leia, came from a very aristocratic family. She took over her family business and made it even more successful. She was like royalty in the business world, buying and selling real estate, becoming an untouchable entity of wealth and reputation. It seemed that everywhere Kylo went when he was young, someone knew his mother, his family, and gave him special treatment just because of it. He was sick of it and that's why he had changed his name after he left. He no longer wanted to be associated with his mother, with his family, especially when she really wasn't even a mother to him. They never had a good relationship and it only got worse after his father died. She became even more distant and he barely ever saw her.

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