The Search

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It was way past 9 o'clock and she hadn't shown. But could he really blame her? He had left her at the airport after what was the most awkward flight of his life. And it was his fault. She had tried to talk to him, tried to reach him, but after she confessed her true feelings for him he just shut down.

He had known she felt that way for a while. She was no good at hiding it. But her saying it out loud somehow made it too real. Suddenly, he realized everything and he needed to tell her. He couldn't keep her in the dark any longer, couldn't keep one of his biggest secrets from her. She needed to know.

And he was going to tell her tonight but she didn't show up. He figured it was payback. That she was giving him a taste of his own medicine. And frankly, he did deserve it. And now he'd been waiting around all night like a pathetic fool.

Why did he let her hold so much power over him in the first place? He should've never let himself get close to her. He knew it would only hurt her in the end.

He was tired of thinking. Tired of waiting and hoping she might've just got stuck in traffic or had something come up. So he thought he'd try and get some sleep. Maybe things would be cleared up in the morning.

He went into his room, seeing the empty bed, wishing she was lying in it. Somehow it didn't feel right sleeping in it without her.

He changed out of his work clothes and into a pair of sweatpants and laid on the couch, closing his eyes. At first, all he saw was darkness. Then images of her flooded his mind. Of her smiling, laughing, having fun. Then of her crying, heartbroken because he couldn't give her what she wanted.

He tossed and turned all night, not for a second able to put her out of his mind. When he finally started to see dawn break he felt relieved. He could finally wake up and it would be acceptable.

He reached for his phone to check and see if there were any messages. His heart dropped when there were none. Suddenly, an unsettling feeling rose from his stomach.

How could he be so stupid! It was so unlike her not to show up. Or not to at least text saying she wouldn't be able to make it. You knew her. When she said she'd be somewhere, she'd be there. Gods he was such an idiot.

What if something happened to her.

He could feel the anger inside him starting to rise and boil over. He was angry at himself for not thinking of this sooner. A whole night had gone by. Idiot.

He tried to calm down as he dialed her number. When it immediately went to voicemail, his worriment only got stronger.

He started pacing, trying to think of what his next move should be. Should he go to her apartment? But what if she was just avoiding him? He'd look like a fool. Suddenly he remembered she had given him Rey's number in case of an emergency. Her best friend. Surely she would know where she was.

He quickly dialed Rey's number, hoping all of this was a big misunderstanding. He hoped that she would have some answers.

As the phone rang and rang, he realized how early it was in the morning. When a quiet voice answered he knew he had to control himself and try to remain calm.

"Hi um is this Rey?" He asked unsure if she was the one answering the phone.

"Yes, this is she," a pause, "Who is this?"

"It's Kylo."

She was confused as to why he was calling until he started rambling on about her, asking where she was, and where she could be. Then Rey grew concerned.

"Kylo, I thought she was with you. She said she was going to your place last night."

"FUCK!" Kylo couldn't hold back his rage any longer. Where could she be?

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